Chapter Four

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Tomioka pov:

We continued gossiping about our lives and such. Soon, gyutaro came back.

'Gyutaro giyuu is here!' Daki yelled to him.

'I got popcorn, wanna watch a movie together?' Gyutaro asked loudly.

'Yes!' Daki and I said in unison.

'Gyutaro, you have to put on a face mask just live giyuu and I though!' Daki said with a smirk as gyutaro came in the room.

'Sure, giyuu, do you want to make the popcorn while daki beautifies me?' Gyutaro laughed.

'Of course, daki, you better not disappoint!' I said to daki, and she smiled.

'I won't, but gyutaro might~' She giggled.

'I feel insulted,' gyutaro said, holding his heart with his hand.

'Perfect, that is exactly what I was aiming for!' Daki smirk widened into a big grin.

I went to the kitchen and heated the popcorn in the microwave, making sure to add plenty of butter.

'What movie are we watching?' I asked them.

'Frozen 2!' Daki said excitedly.

'Oh fuck yeah! Elsa literally is HER,' "I said excitedly, bringing the bowl of popcorn to the couch, sitting beside daki.


'Oh my god, Elsa literally slays!' Daki said excitedly when Elsa used her magical powers.

'I would literally marry her,' I said, and they both looked at me.

'Platinum blonde is your type?' Daki asked with a smile whilst looking at her hair.

'If it's Elsa, then yeah,' I said, looking at daki.

I heard my phone ringing.

'One second, it's probably time for me to head home,' I groaned, picking up the phone.

'Hey kanae,' I answered and walked into dakis' room, since she allowed me to whenever I got a phone call.

'Hey giyuu, what are you doing now? Are you still with daki?' Kanae asked.

'Yeah, her brother and us are watching Frozen 2'
I answered with a small smile.

'Sounds fun and all except you have to come home, okay?' Kanae said.

'Okay, I'll be at the house in fifteen minutes,' I said to her.

'Okay giyuu, be safe, I'll see you when you're home,' kanae said, and I could just hear her smile.

'Bye kanae,' I said, hanging up the phone.

I walked out of the room and to the door.

'I have to go home! Maybe we can hang out tomorrow? With sabito and makomo?' I yelled to them.

'Yes, of course! I miss my bestie makomo so much!' Daki said excitedly.

'Okay, see you guys tomorrow,' I said, heading out the door.

I started walking back to my house, listening to my music on the way.


I opened the door to my house to be in complete chaos.

Kanae was making some late supper in the kitchen while Shinobu and her friends were having a pillow fight in the living room, which was right in front of the door.

'I'm.. home..? I said, and Shinobu threw her pillow to the ground, coming and jumping on me, knocking me to the ground.

'Giyuu, you're back!' She said while hugging me.

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