Chapter Two

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Tomioka pov:

I quickly changed, looking at myself in the mirror.

I was getting fat, and I needed to go on a diet.

I had many scars with bandages covering them.

Mostly burn scars from the fire.

I didn't like wearing the short sleeved shirts except it was mandatory in the gym, sadly.

I poked at my tubby belly.

'I need to lose weight..' I whispered to myself quietly.

I quickly finished changing, putting on some deodorant, then heading out into the locker rooms.

Then I saw sanemi with sabito, just chatting away.

'Why are you still here? Don't you have classes or something?' I asked, annoyed by his presence.

'We get a free period,' sanemi said with a small smirk.

'Go somewhere else, you have a whole hour! Go to the store or something with shinobu,' I said, putting my clothes into my locker, along with my notebook.

'Giyuu, can you go get my waterborne from my locker? Pleaseeee?' Sabito whined while holding his hands together.

'Why can't you?' I asked him with my arms crossed.

'Because I still need to change!' He did have a solid argument, I guess.

'Fine,' I said, heading out of the locker room.

I forgot what his locker code was, though, so I walked back in, attempting to scare him.

I saw them trying to open my notebook in a rush, trying to pull the elastic band off of it and open the first page, which had my messy 8 year old handwriting on it.

It was just my name and who to return the book to.

'Whar are you doing?!' I yelled, quickly rushing over before they could flip through the pages.

'Don't do that,' I said, holding the book to my chest tightly.

'Why are you still here?' Sabito asked with an upside down smile.

'That is really the first question you ask? Go get your water yourself,' I said, shoving my book back in and locking my locker this time.

'Chill dude, we were just curious!' Sabito said.

'Go, the bell already rang,' I said. It was a lie, but he didn't know that.

'Wait, what?! Why didn't you tell me?! I didn't hear it!' He quickly scurried to get his outfit on.

'You didn't really forget your water bottle, did you?' I asked, and he shook his head.

'Just wanted a reason for you to leave, if only it had worked! You keep too many secrets,' "sabito said, tying his wolf cut into a small ponytail.

'If they are secrets, why are you trying to find them out?' I asked him.

'Just curious, you don't tell us anything' sabito whined.

'I really am sorry! I won't do it again!' He continued, hugging me sincerely.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get mad. Just stop trying to go through it. It's personal,' I said, hugging him back.

'Anyway, hurry up! The bell rung!' Sabito said, trying to pull me to the gym.

'We still have 10 minutes of break left, chill,' I said, feeling slightly bad for making him rush.

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