Chapter Seven

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Tomioka pov:

I woke up, feeling really warm, a bit too warm.

'Hello..?' I mumbled sleepily, trying to sit up except there was a weight holding me down.

I looked up the best I could to see a thing of white hair and closed eyes.

'Oh gross! Let me go!' I said loudly.

'Mmm.. shut up, just sleep..' sanemi muttered, moving to arm to push my head back down.

'Hey! Let me go, I want to get up now!' I said, getting flustered and sheepish.

'Why?' Sanemi asked, opening his eyes slightly.

'Be-because..' I trailed off, looking into his eyes.

Was it just me, or had they become more.. more pretty?

'Because why? It's still early,' "sanemi said, checking his phone.

It was already 10 am.

'I wake up early. Can you get your heavy ass arm off me now?' I questioned, trying to wiggle free.

'Fine, whatever, what exactly do you plan to do?-' he asked, moving arm while I sat up.

'Write,' I said, looking to where I could've put my bag.

'Okay, just don't leave the house.. please,' "sanemi said, pulling the blanket over his mouth and up to his nose.

'Mhm, you can go back to sleep,' I said, grabbing my little diary.

He moved a bit closer to me, resting his head on my arm as he sat up slightly.

'W-what are you doing..?' I asked, I could feel the blush creeping up on my face.

'I let you sleep on my shoulder, I would like re-payment, thanks,' he said, and immediently fell asleep.

I used my book to cover my face, feeling shy.

I grab my pencil, trying hard not to move too much and wake sanemi up again.

Maybe I could try.. drawing him?

I looked at him, and he looked so peaceful.

He didn't have on that devilish smirk like when he was awake.

This time, he looked more, calm, and collected.

It was like he was so vulnerable yet, so okay with it, I kind of.. I liked it.

I decided that I wouldn't write, I wouldn't draw, I would just observe and listen.

I could hear his heartbeat. It was beating at a slow yet ordinary pace.

Maybe, just maybe.. I wouldn't mind getting close with him.

Nobody has ever made me feel this way before. It was like I was all hot and couldn't think.

It was like my brain was shattering into pieces, a lump in my throat, and as if I was right against the sun.

It felt nice.

Maybe I wanted him to be my friend?

Maybe I wanted to date him?

Could it be that I wanted to date this flirty idiot?

'Hey, you guys up?' I heard genga ask, snapping me out of my trance.

'I am,' I said. It was like a loud whisper of sorts.

He opened the door, looking at me, then sanemi.

His expression turned to one of shock and confusion.

'Are you sure you two aren't dating?' Genya asked me.

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