Chapter Seventeen

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Tomioka pov:

I couldn't ever replace tsutako. She would want me to have friends, though.

I think.

Yeah, tsutako wouldn't want me being some hopeless loser who doesn't have any friends.

'Are you just going to stand in the doorway?' I heard gyutaro ask me.

I quickly looked at him, feeling my face growing hot from embarrassment.

'Sorry,' I mumbled, walking over to my bed.

I didn't really have anything to keep me entertained.

I didn't have any technology, I couldn't read, and we weren't allowed to use any board games after 8 pm.

'Why do you always sit there doing nothing at night?' I heard daki ask me.

I looked over to her and shrugged.

'There isn't anything to do,' I said to her, and she looked at me confused.

'Why won't you read? If you don't have any books, we can give you one of ours-' she said, reaching to grab a book from under her bed.

'It isn't that..' I mumbled, and now they both were looking at me confused.

'Huh? Do you not like reading?' Gyutaro asked me.

'Uh..uhm.. I-..' I mumbled, not knowing whether I should tell them or not.

Tell them that I was a broken child.

'I just can't,' I mumbled, pulling my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them and letting my head rest on my kneecaps.

'Can't? Why can't you?' Daki asked, still leaning off the bed halfway.

'Ah!' She yelped as she fell off, making a huge bang.

I flinched and jumped a bit, not making any noise.

Gyutaro quickly went to her side.

'Are you okay?!' He asked her.

'Heh! Yeah! That was like really fun!' She said with a big grin.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and the headmaster came in, panicking.

He immediately relaxed when he saw no blood and no crying.

'What happened?' He asked calmly.

'I'm sorry, I fell off my bed,' daki said with a small smile.

'Are you okay? Did you hit your head at all?' He asked, feeling her head slightly.

'Of course I'm okay! You don't have to worry about me, Mr. Sir, person!' Daki said, her small smile turning into a big grin.

Maybe they weren't so bad, daki seemed friendly, and gyutaro seemed to care about her.

'Okay, be careful. We wouldn't want you hurt,' the headmaster said, heading out of the room and shutting it.

'Okay, so back to why you won't read a boo- are you okay?' She asked me.

'Huh?' I asked, then I noticed, and I pressed myself into the corner out of instinct.

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