Chapter thirteen

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Tomioka pov:

'Talking to somebody? Only talking?' Yuishiro asked me, he seemed confused.

'Mhm,' I hummed in response.

'Okay, uh- close your eyes,' he said, dipping my head into water.

I made sure my eyes were shut tightly.

When he lifted my head back up, I could hear gyutaro laughing beside me.

'Giyuu, you look like a drowned rat'
He said to me, and I looked at him with a little smile.

'I will cut off all your hair when you are asleep tonight,' I replied, and he stopped laughing.

'Hah- as if! You would probably be the first to fall asleep.' he laughed more after that short pause.

'I bet you $10 dollars
That I won't be the first to fall asleep,' I said, and yuishiro got some bleach, putting it in my hair.

'Deal,' he said, holding out his hand and showing me the other one.

'Mhm, what about daki? Does she look like she was in a tsunami?' I asked, and gyutaro nodded.

'She looks like a fucking sewer rat' gyutaro said with another small laugh.

'Funny,' I responded dully.

'Just finish your hair already!' Gyutaro said, crossing his arms.


My hair was done now. It's gyutaros turn.

'I'm just gonna go for a short walk to the nearby park, it feels like I've been sitting forever,' I said, leaving the hairdressers.

I walked down the street, hearing somebody catching up with me.

It was daki. She must've finished at the hairdressers when I left.

'Hello,' I greeted, not looking at her.

'Hey giyuu!' She replied to me.

'My legs are asleep, and it's annoying the crap out of me,' I complained, feeling the pins and needles in my feet whenever I walked.

'You should've seen me, I fell when I tried walking out the door!' daki complained, she still smiled, though.

'You coming to the park with me? It's just around the corner,' I stated, and she nodded.

'Of course I am!'
She said excitedly.
I nodded, and she grabbed my hand enthusiastically.

We headed to the park, seeing a few children running around.

'Ew. Kids.' Daki muttered, and I just smiled.

'Kids are.. okay?' I muttered, not really believing what I said.

I would never want kids unless they are like muichiro or genya, of course.

'We should take some candy from that baby in the sandbox,' daki said, pointing to a little toddler in the sandbox.

'Race ya there?' I asked, and she nodded.

We bolted over to the kid, snatching the opened lollipop from her hand.

'Immediently, the child started wailing like a dying whale.

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY KID?!' A big buff guy yelled at us, and daki quickly whipped around.

I also turned around as well, the guy freezing when he saw me.

'It's you?!' He yelled at me.

'Hah- daki, we should probably go,' I said, grabbing her arm.

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