Chapter Nine

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Tomioka pov:

I woke up, yawning and getting out of bed.

Sanemi wasn't in bed. He must've been cooking.

I changed my clothes, wearing a sweater and a pair of baggy jeans.

'Morning, I thought you were an early bird?' Sanemi asked with a sarcastic smile.

'Usually, I don't know why I'm so tired, probably just lack of sleep, I guess' I said, sitting at the table and placing my head down, using my arms as a pillow.

I watched sanemi as he cooked.

'Where are the two boys?' I asked, and sanemi shrugged.

'Probably still asleep. Do you want to go wake them up?' Sanemi asked me with a polite smile.

I nodded, getting up and going over to genyas' room.

'Knock knock,' I say, knocking on the door.

'Did you just say knock knock?!' Sanemi asked while laughing.

'Oh, shut up! I'm coming in genya.' I spoke softer to genya than when I spoke to sanemi.

I opened the door slowly, except when I opened it up I smiled softly.

The two boys were cuddled on the bed, sanemi laying spread out on his back, like a starfish.

Muichiro had his arms wrapped around genyas torso, clinging onto him like a starfish that was in love.

I quickly grabbed my phone, snapping a photo so I could show the girls when they texted me.

Actually, hold that thought. They haven't texted me yet.

I looked through my contacts, not being able to find their numbers anywhere.

I put my phone away, still confused.

I'll have to ask sanemi after about it. Maybe he knows.

I woke up the two boys. They fought slightly at first except eventually came out for breakfast.

'Tomioka, are you eating with us this time?' sanemi asked me.

'No, I'm not really hungry.. oh- do you know why I can't find my friends' contacts on my phone?' I asked sanemi.

He paused for a moment. It was kind of suspicious.

'Sanemi..?' I asked him reluctantly.

'Huh? Oh no, I don't. Sorry, I spaced out for a second, admiring how pretty you are'
He flirted with me.

'Oh ew! That's disgusting! Sanemi, I'm not gay!' I yelled at me, hitting his head slightly hard.

'Rejection hits hard,' he sighed. 'I'm going to call sabito. Maybe he knows. I'll be in your room,' I said to him.

'Might as well call it OUR room!' Sanemi said flirtatious.

'You are revolting!' I fired back at him.

I shut the door, dialing sabitos phone number.

After a few rings, he picked up.

'Ye-low!' Sabitos voice came from the phone.

'Are the girls mad at me or something..? I think they might very blocked me, I could find their numbers anywhere. Also, same with gyutaros,' I said to him quietly, worried that I did something to upset my friends.

'I don't know what I did except I want to apologize - are they with you? Guys, I'm sorry! I have no clue what I did!' I said into the phone, panic racing around the room.

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