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Tomioka pov:

It has been a year since tsutako came back, and sanemi and I started dating.

My friends weren't really happy about it at first, except came to grow on him.

'Giyuu, sabito, hurry up! We have to get you ready!' I heard kanae call me.

Kanae and tsutako also grew close over the year. Eventually, kanae confessed to tsutako, and now they've been a couple for five months.

'I'm coming! Hold on!' I said, grabbing suit.

'Wait for me!' Sabito announced, also grabbing his suit.

Mine was a white suit with a black jacket with a black tie. My hair was braided, mixing with white strings that the girls put in.

It was my graduation day, and I was going to be graduating along with makomo and sabito by my side.

I was also voted to say a speech.

I was also told to take my bandages off to look "professional."

'Ah! Sabito, could you help me with the bandages? Please?' I asked, and he nodded.

He helped me feel the bandages off, revealing some faded burn scars along with some darker ones.

I always hated them, except I grew on them after tsutako told me that I looked like a superhero.

'Hurry up!' Tsutako yelled for us.

We quickly rushed over to the car, jumping inside.

'I'm so excited! I can't wait!' We heard makomo say.

Makomo and sabito had gotten back together after a few weeks when tsutako came back.

They actually were wearing a matching suit and dress.

They were kind of over the top, except makomo was the one who requested it since she liked the dress.

It also showed off the new tattoo she got on her leg for turning eighteen.

We all looked pretty good.

'Gyutaro already drove everybody else to the venue, let's get going,' kanae said with a smile.

'Yes! I can't wait!' Makomo stated, she looked so happy.

'You look really pretty in that dress,' tsutako said to her.

'Yeah! I love it!' Makomo said.

It was like a kimono except shorter and less kimono like.

We made it to the venue and sabito, and I went to the changing rooms to change.

We quickly changed into our outfits, smiling while I still tried to hide my scars.


After we changed, we had to wait in a line to get called up to the stage where we would be graduating.

'Makomo kibutsuji' makomos name was called after about eighteen people.

She walked out, a big smile on her face and the graduation cap on her head.

We had the option to wear our graduation gowns except nobody did.

'Sabito katagiri' sabitos' name was called, and he nervously walked out to the stage, standing beside makomo.

I was starting to get nervous as well.

'Giyuu tomioka' I was the last person to be called.

I anxiously walked onto the stage, my sleeves sliding up a bit.

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