Chapter Six

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Tomioka pov:

'You want to see the My Little Pony drawing I made?' Muichiro asked me, sitting up and holding a paper in my face.

It was of a rainbow horse with wings and some horse cowgirl knock-off.

'Beautiful,' I said, holding my thumbs up for him.

'Thank you!' He said with a smile, going back to lying on the bed with genya.

'Are you just going to stand there?' Genya asked me, patting an open spot on the bed, signaling for me to come sit down with them.

I hesitantly walked over, not knowing what to say.

'What do you even see in my brother? He has no personality, he isn't good-looking, no money, and he isn't even that cool.' Genya said to me, looking me up and down.

'What?' I asked, confused.

'Well, you are here to bang him, aren't you?' Genya asked me, also confused now.

'No,' I said, still a little bit confused.

'Are you both friends?' Genya asked me, and I shook my head.

'That's odd,' genya stated.

'You like Olaf?' Muichiro asked me.

'Yes, I do,' I said, a small smile on my face.

'I'm going to draw you hugging Olaf since he likes warm hugs,' muichiro said with a smile.

'Mui is autistic, don't mind him,' genya said, wrapping a hand around muichiro.

'You have very odd eyes,' muichiro said, looking up at me.

'Thank you,' I said, replying to his little comment, and he smiled.

'I like your eyes too,' I continued speaking to him, and his smile grew bigger.

'He said he likes my eyes, genya! See how nice he is!' Muichiro said, pulling on genyas sleeve who was now smiling.

'Seems like he understood that what you meant was a compliment,' genya said, patting muichiros head.

'Mhm!' Muichiro smiled once more and went back to drawing.

'Guys, come eat,' sanemi called for us.

We all went, genya grabbing mine and muichiros' hand as muichiro was smiling and playing with my hair.

'They.. seem to be taking a liking to you,' "sanemi said, looking at me.

Genya was sitting beside me while muichiro was sitting on my other side, still stimming with my hair.

And genya just stared at me, non-stop.

'I guess,' I replied to him.

'I'm not hungry, though, so can I like - go somewhere else?' I asked, sanemi looking at me confused.

'I mean, I guess? If you want, you can go to my room and shower until we are done eating,' sanemi said, sitting at the table.

'Mhm, okay bye,' I said, standing up and gently removing muichiros' hands off my hair.

'Where are you going? Come back,' muichiro said, trying to hold me with him.

'I'll see you after dinner. You can finish that drawing you are making for me while you eat, okay?' I sat, patting his head gently and smiling.

'Can I see you after dinner?' Muichiro asked me.

'Yeah, if you are still here,' I said, heading to sanemis room.

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