Chapter Fourteen

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Tomioka pov:

I woke up, feeling a heavy weight on my legs.

I propped myself up using my elbows, I was able to see makomo using my shins as pillows.

I looked to see if the siblings were awake, except both of them were still passed out.

Daki was basically kicking my face with her foot, while gyutaro was all the way on the other side of the blanket, halfway off the couch, falling. He was using his head as support.

I looked at my phone, checking the time.

It was only 10 am.

I think I fell asleep around 6 am.

I sat up fully, taking a
Clean breath, one that wasn't inhaling the aroma of dakis stinky toes.

'Mmm, lay back down,' I heard makomo mutter, her eyes fluttering open.

She turned her head to look at me.

'It's almost the afternoon, I also have to meet up with somebody,' I said to her in a low whisper.

'Who?, Sanemi?' She questioned me quizzically. 'Yeah,' I muttered.
She slowly lifted her head so I could move my feet.

I pulled my feet away and sat in a criss crossed position.

She also decided to sit up. She seemed kind of disoriented almost.

'You okay?' I asked her, and she looked at me.

'Low iron,' she replied and sat up, headed to daki and gyutaros fridge.

I knew they always kept an orange juice for makomo in the fridge since makomo had low iron.

'Here,' I said, handing her a small orange juice that was in the fridge.

I sat back down, and she drank it, putting it to the side and looking at me without an expression.

'Do you think sanemi will be confessing to you today?' Makomo asked me out of the blue.

'I don't think so, why?' I asked her.

She opened her mouth but chose not to utter a word.

'Just wondering.. what would you say if he did confess?' She asked me, looking at the blanket on the couch.

'I would probably say yes.. I mean- I think I can trust him, he promised me. You just aren't allowed to break promises, right?' I asked, and she looked at me.

I saw a flash of sympathy run through her eyes before it quickly faded away.

'Right..' she uttered.

It was only one word, yet that one word terrified me.

She didn't sound so sure. She sounded timid, anxious, almost fearful.

'You are acting weird. Are you okay?' I asked her, and she nodded.

Before I could speak more, I received a text. The buzz from my pocket had made makomo jump, waking up daki, who was lying beside makomo.

'Mm- fuck- hello?' Daki muttered, sitting up and rubbing her eyes weary. 'Goodmoring,' I said, looking around my text messages.

[Private chat with sanemi♡]

What time do you think you'll be coming over?

Probably after I eat so around 12, why?

I'm just wondering so I know when to be prepared for you.



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