Chapter Sixteen

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Tomioka pov:

(A month after all of the last chapter)

I woke up outside, the cold air whirling around me, causing me to shiver slightly.

'Why am I outside?' I asked, sitting up and opening my eyes a bit more.

I looked ahead of myself, my eyes widening at the sight.

My house was burning.

'TSUTAKO?!' I yelled, looking around for her.

Somebody had to have brought me outside, right?

No.. dad told me to sleep outside because I refused to go with the men in the basement.

Does that mean they are still inside?!

'Tsutako?!' I yelled again, this time I shot up, quickly running to my neighbors house.

I sounded on the door, a beautiful woman opening it.

'Oh- Henry, it's just a young boy,' she stated, a bent down to my level of height.

'What can I do for you? You're crying. Are you okay?' She asked, gently reaching for my face.

I quickly backed up, slightly afraid.

'M-my house! It's on fire! Please! My sister is in there a-and my parents!' I said, and she quickly shot up, running outside to look at my house already in flames.

'How did you make it out?' She asked me.

'I-I was being bad, so I had to sleep outside.. please! Go help my sister!' I cried to her, and her husband phoned the fire department.

'What do you mean? Is that a usual punishment for you?' 
She asked me, and I nodded.

'You are covered in burns! Those have to be atheist to the second degree!' She stated, looking at my arms.

'Where were you asleep?' She asked me curiously.

'Under the porch, it's always warm under there at night.. but please!' I said, and she nodded.

'They are on their way. Come inside, we have to fix up your burns, or they'll scad all over your arms..' she said, trying to take my hand.

'No! I want tsutako! Make them come faster! They have to save her!' I yelled, and she looked at me, her expression showing sadness.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.. except those have to be treated.' I didn't let her finish when I ran back to my house, noticing the ambulance, firetruck, and a police vehicle.

The lady went after me, following along behind me, her husband following us as well.

'Are you the ones that called?' A police officer asked.

'Yes, I am Henry, and this is my wive, Blake,' Henry said, introducing himself to the police officer.

'Is this your kid?' The police officer asked, looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

'No! My family is in the house!' I said, grabbing his shirt and pointing to the fire that was spreading feircly.

There were at least 5 firefighters trying to put out the fire.

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