Chapter Eleven

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(A/N this is their last day together)
Tomioka pov:

I woke up, immediately sitting up.

I had a dream, a dream about tsutako and my family.

It wasn't a very good dream either. It sucked.

I leaned against sanemi's headboard, breathing kind of heavy.

I hope I didn't wake him up when I got up.

I grabbed my phone, checking the time.


I heard a noise come from beside me, a hand reaching out and grabbing me.

'Why are you awake?'sanemi asked, pulling my face closer to his.

'Oh, just.. stuff,' I mumbled, my face growing hotter when sanemi laughed softly.

'Did you just wake up, or are you scared?' Sanemi asked me.

'Just.. something,' I muttered, not really wanting to answer.

'Oh come here, you big baby,' sanemi said, pulling me even closer to him. He guided my hands to wrap around his back while he used his to pull me closer to him.

My face was now in his chest, and I could feel every breath he took and the sound of his heartbeat growing faster.

I could hear him texting on his phone.

Sanemi pov:

I don't know what's wrong with me. It's as if I don't want to mess with tomiokas feelings anymore.

I just need the money.

So after I get the money, I don't have to break up with him. We can stay together.

If he doesn't find out.

I decided to text sabito about it.

[Private chat with sabito]

I plan on asking tomioka to be my boyfriend by next week. Are you coming to pick him up today?

Yeah, why are you even awake it is so early

I got waken up when tomioka basically flew out of my arms in a panic. He probably had a nightmare.

Oh, I remember when he would have those at the orphanage. It was always gyutaro who made him feel better.


He is dakis older brother, he is 18 now, I think.

Ohhhh okay

Okay, so back to the whole boyfriend thing, I bet he'll say yes.

He is better. We only have two weeks left, and then we start school again.

Hah, better hurry up!

Yeah, yeah, just make sure to come get him by 1pm so he can say goodbye to genya and muichiro before he leaves.

That sounds good!


I put down my phone, rubbing tomiokas hair gently, guiding the strands through my fingers.

'Who were you texting?' Tomioka asked, half asleep.

He seemed really pretty.. relaxed almost.

He still seemed tense and a little bit shaken, but not as back as when I pulled him down next to me.

'Nobody important, just go back to sleep you leave tomorrow, remember?' I said, and he nodded, closing his eyes and scooting closer to me.

Eventually, he fell back asleep, so I was just left there with my thoughts.

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