Chapter Ten

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Tomioka pov:

We made it to the skating rink. It seemed fairly empty minus a couple of cars in the parking lot.

I sighed, not knowing if I'll be able to skate well or not.

'Please note that I've never skated in my life,' I said to him. He turned to me, confusion on his face.

'Really? I would've expected that you've atheist went once,' sanemi said, holding my hand as we walked in.

This time, I didn't pull away.

'HAH FAGGOTS!' I heard a couple of boys, around twelve yell at us and laugh.

I quickly pulled my hand away, pulling it in front of me and hiding my hands in my sleeves.

'What the fuck was that about?' Sanemi asked, trying to grab my hand again.

'I don't think we should.. that is kind of PDA,' I said, crossing my arms together.

'Well, we aren't together.. yet, so who cares?' Sanemi asked, using his arm to pull me closer.

'I care,' I said to him, and he looked serious.

'Fine, whatever. Are you ready to skate?' Sanemi asked as we put on our skates.

'How do you tie these things again?' I asked, confused.

'Here, let me' sanemi said, getting on his knees in front of me.

He was kind of hot, kneeling down in front of me like that.

I'm working hard on tying my skates.

I covered my mouth, attempting now to squeal at how hot he looked.

I was probably around the girls too much.

'Can you walk in the skates? It's pretty easy..'sanemi said, using his hands to help me get onto the ice.

'Woah- careful!' Sanemi said as I almost fell except used the wall to catch myself.

'This is a lot harder than it looks..' I mumbled, feeling unsteady.

'It's okay, just move your feet,' sanemi said, leading me into the middle, I held onto his coat so tightly that if I fell, he would most definitely plummet down with me.

'FUCKING FAGGOTS!' I heard the sane kids yell and skate past us.

I fell, letting go of sanemi's jacket, so I fell by myself.

'I think I can learn on my own, thanks,' I said, standing up, balancing by myself and attempting to skate like how I was told by sanemi.

He just skated a bit away from me.

'Loserrrrrrs!' One of the kids said, skating between sanemi and I.

I looked at the kids angrily.

'Go cry to your little pussy daddy' I said to the kid and he looked at me angrily.

He started skating over to me really fast, probably in hopes of knocking me down, except I stuck one foot in front of him, causing him to face plant into the ice.

He immediately started crying.

I saw a tall guy skating over to us. He was pretty built and was gifted with those perfect genes.

The kid, on the other hand, looked nothing like him. The kid looked like a turd.

'What did you do to my son?' He asked, bending over.

My jaw dropped.

'Dude, your son? Your wife must've cheated or something because that thing is not a kid it is a wild horse! Long nose and everything, don't get me started on those big ahh buck teeth!' I complained to him.

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