Chapter Eighteen

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Tomioka pov:

I stood in front of sanemis' door, excited for him to answer.

It was only one day left until school started, so maybe we could start dating through school!

I noticed the door was left open a little bit, enough so I could hear inside.

I know I probably shouldn't have, except I couldn't help it.

I listened in on his conversation.

'I don't know if I can do this..' I heard sanemi say.

He was talking to somebody.

'Just date him for the day and then break up with him as soon as school starts tomorrow,' I heard a familiar voice say, it was sabito.

Break up?

We weren't even dating.. yet.

'He is just so disgusting! He always wears those ugly bandages around his arms, neck, and chest, then don't get me started on his hair.
He looks a complete freak!' I heard sanemi say.

Was he talking about me?

I felt my chest tighten.

'Just remember the bet!' Sabito said, and I heard sanemi Groan.

'Ughhhh, but if I break his heart, all he'll want is attention! The fucker is just so hopeless!' I heard sanemi argue.

I quietly opened the door, they weren't in the kitchen so they wouldn't see me.

They were probably in sanemi's room, which is right next to the kitchen.

I went right next to the door.

'Fuck- he is gonna be here in 10 minutes!' I heard sanemi complain.

Oh yeah.. I did come early.

'Okay, just don't forget how much you are getting paid to date him, and just for a day,' i heard sabito say to him.

He was.. getting paid.

I felt my heart skip a beat, and not even in a good way.

'Yeah, yeah! And I do need the money if I want to set up a trip for muichiro and genya..' I heard sanemi mumble.

'Well, he'll be here soon, I better g..o..' sabito walked out the door and saw me listening.

'Fuck' I heard sabito say.

'What - oh.' Sanemi said when he saw me standing there.

'Giyuu.. how much did you hear?' Sabito asked me, gently reaching the grab my shoulder.

I just stood, shocked.

I swatted his hand away before he did touch me, though.

'You were.. getting paid? Was it all a lie?' I asked sanemi, feeling something wet run down my cheek.

I reached up, realizing I was crying.

'Fuck- giyuu no, it isn't like that. Please don't cry! I've never seen you crying before, it doesn't suit you,' I heard sabito say, now sounding worried.

'You knew..?' I asked him, now the tears were rolling down both of my cheeks.

'I.. I did bet money on it.. so yeah- but please, it wasn't meant to hurt you! I know you've been through a lot and all!' Sabito stated, trying to grab my hands except I backed away from him.

'I'm an attention seeker? You don't..  like my bandages? I-i don't just wear them for show.. b-but you- I thought..' I mumbled, now feeling like my head was going to explode.

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