The Black Rose...

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She stands alone at the other side of the hall, I have to have a glimpse of her and her dress. A lonely girl with the most beautiful dress, I look to my right and there are sluts dancing to the drum and bass music. I start to walk to the girl, but another girl catches my arm. I managed to break free, I tried to talk but she was just too beautiful. I asked to dance once the crappie dance music had finished. She didn't want to, but she gave in. We danced the night away, I still didn't know her name. What is her name? Was all I could think about. It was Chloe, in that beautiful dress. Why was she alone, were her friends there? I finally realised that she was the one I wanted. How could I tell her? She just laugh and ask if it was a bet or a joke.I am apparantly, the most popular boy. Not a title i gave myself. I decided that I would talk to her and tell her how I feel, no matter what.  

"Will you go out with me?" I asked nervously, hiding my face. 

"Yeah, ok" She replied. I did it, she hugged me. I hugged back, she was so beautiful why hadnt I realised before. Probably because I hung around with sluty, skets. Maybe this is my epiphany, maybe I won't hang around with them anymore. I know who my real friends are and one of them is her.  


"Hey Chloe" I said, before kissing her cheek. She blushes slightly. 

"Hey Brandon" she said with a small smile plastered on her beautiful face. We started walking in to school, I grabbed her delicate hand with my hand. As we walked in, I saw my "friends" and I think Chloe saw hers. We hugged and then went to our own group, but I said "I need to talk to my girlfriend" and walked over to Chloe. I put my arms around her thin waist and turned her around. She smiled as she turned around. By this point all of my lot and all her lot were staring at us. We didn't care. I think I am happiest around her, because my douche bag side hides and I show my true self. A young man, 16, who has been with the wrong crowd for most of my life. I wish I had seen her beauty before, then this would not be the first day I spend with Chloe on my arm. I didn't just see her as a girl, I saw her as a beautiful , delicate creature. Whos beauty was like a small rose, beautiful and delicate. The sort of flower that you have to take of, because it is vulnerable to it's surroundings. But Chloe was not vulnerable to her surroundings because she has been through a lot. I still can't believe this is the first time I have noticed her beauty, her delicate skin, but also the fiery side that hides, if your lucky. Chloe was not as vulnerable as people thought, because she is not a normal human being. She told me the truth last night, and even though she could ripe off my head or drain me of blood, I still think I am in love with her. Her family don't know, her friends they know. They still trust her, like me. I don't care that she drinks blood, I don't care that she is a hell of a lot stronger than me. The day went pretty well, I found out that she is in most of my classes and I have known her for 12 or so years. I had never said two words to her before last night and now she is my supernatural girlfriend. Does it not scare me, that she is a murderer? To be honest, it scares me a little, but I know she would never do anything to hurt me.

I wish I could meet who turned this delicate rose into a fiery hot poker, funny how she is a natural beauty but she has that hot, fiery side that could burn your hand with the slightest touch. I should have noticed the beauty that was in this school. Tonight was the first date, I decided to take her for a beautiful walk along the long and smooth sand of the beach. It was lovely, to talk and just get to know each other better. I walked her to the door of her massive house, her dad is a cop that hunts bad people. Ironic right, a bloodsucker has a father that could kill her without blinking. I went to kiss her cheek, but she turned her head at the last moment. I kissed her soft, tender lips and this is going to sound so cliche but I had fireworks in my stomach and it felt quite nice. I had never got to have the fireworks in my stomach before. We blushed as we pulled away. I awkwardly said that I would see her tomorrow. She turned around and went through her door. I got into my black camero and drove home. When I got home my sister asked how it went, I just smiled and ran to my room. I changed and fell asleep thinking of her.

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