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The next day I wake up to the sunlight beaming in the room; the empty room. I don't know where the king is... or where he slept last night because I was in his bed... Did he even sleep?

My eyes flash around the room as my senses return. No sign of him. After last night I no longer will be able to think of him as merely my king... he is my friend, my family...

The light comes from his balcony that has no doors and this time I get a good look of his room, which is huge. On the west side is the doorway to the private bathing room and beside it hangs beautiful silver armor fit for a king. A couch-like piece sits in front of another on the opposite side. There is a large round table with carved antlers for dining if he chooses to eat alone, a banner of his kingdom hung on the wall. Large wardrobes to hold his kingly attire are on the right side of his bed that I lay on... which is also overly enormous now that I can see better. Around the room there are tables and chairs all crafted beautifully from wood, and little things here and there that make it his private sanctuary.

That reminds me... I slept last night. I didn't think I would be able to...

I lift my head and it doesn't throb. But blood is still in my hair. I pull the covers off my body and step onto the floor. I should go to my room and take a bath before breakfast... I can try to get this red from my scalp and wash the rest of yesterday's battle off my skin.

I look around, still a tiny bit light headed, and take a few steps, my eyes still looking around the room from my curiosity.

A sword is hung high on the wall before me. I am sure it has some significance to it. It looks like it hasn't been used in ages... though a scratch on the blade tells me that it has indeed seen battle.

Under that is a low dresser with a couple candles on it with silver bases. But what catches my eye is the stunning white jeweled necklace set carefully on the wood... I touch the mesmerizing silvery chain with my fingertip and then the jewels that twinkle like starlight. It looks like a woman's necklace...

My eyes look back at the wall that is completely open to the outside, holding a lovely balcony. I can see the morning sun recently risen to greet the new day and shading the forests with a bright dandelion that turns the leaves purely orange. There is a heavy curtain there at the edge of the wall to separate the room from the balcony but something tells me he doesn't use it often. I wouldn't either.

But I breathe and then turn and walk to the door.

I really hope no one catches me... I shut my eyes with my hand on the long handle but turn it down slowly. I open the door and peer out of it... the way is clear.

I step out cautiously, hoping that none of the other elves would see me, dressed in the king's robes and leaving his chamber in the morning. This clearly would look really really bad if someone was to catch me...

But miraculously I make it to my room without being spotted. And I take a bath quickly, scrubbing my head and other wounds. I am clean but when I see my naked body I see them, the purple bruises that look worse than they feel. Two on my ribs and side, one on my cheek. I wish for something to cover it but there is nothing I can do. I sigh.

But I change quickly into something; a simple burnt orange colored dress and exit my room, leaving my hair the way it is.

After breakfast (yes I don't miss it this time) I go outside and sit in the spot where Nin and I usually talk, up in the tree.

I rest with my back against a large branch, feeling a cool breeze on my face that blows my hair back along with the fire red leaves. I get only tiny bits of the sun when the leaves move out of the way.

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