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My eyes slowly open into the room lit dimly with sunlight, breaking me from my dreams. Except there was something different in this waking, something different in the previous night. It was my dream. I had actually had a dream. It was the first time in a while. And this one was a good dream, not a nightmare, which surprises me even more... Something had given me these good dreams and peaceful, hopeful thoughts.

My head moves just slightly, feeling cloth under my ear and cheek; cloth over flesh and bone. My hand comes up gently on his knee, escaping from under the blanket that was placed over me. I slide my palm down under his leg and prop myself up slowly, turning my head. I see him sound asleep with his head against the backboard and turned slightly. His hand rests on the bed by my back, as if it had been placed on my shoulder until it finally fell off when he was taken by slumber.

I can't believe he stayed here all night. Was he too afraid to get up because he thought he would wake me? I know he doesn't sleep that much and I know he probably thought he was needed on the deck... but he stayed just because he didn't want to disturb me in my sleep...

I bite my lip. Why is he such a sweetheart?

My eyes flash over to the bedside table where I see two pieces of bread and some grilled leeks.

There's a small piece of parchment by the two plates with some water in metal cups. I push up to a sitting position and slide my feet off the bed slowly, Legolas not moving an inch. Poor guy he must be exhausted. I look down at my vest that has blood stains on the breast and unclip it, pulling it off me. I can wash it in the water to get the stains out.

I put in beside me on the sheets and pick up the note by the food. It reads: breakfast lovebirds (wink) enjoy - Arley.

I clench my jaw and put the note down on the wood. Good grief.

Blushing from awkwardness I hop off the bed, only to remember that my leg is injured and I collapse with an agonizing pain in my thigh, falling to the ground with a grunt and catching myself with my palms.

"Vil!" I hear a frantic voice say behind me. With one leap he is beside me on the ground, clutching my stomach with his right hand and my opposite shoulder with his left.

I start to laugh at myself there. Then I put my right leg up and he helps me to my feet... or foot. I sit back on the bed, cringing. He bends down to observe my wound in front of me. I start to laugh. "Forgot I had it," I say with a palm against my forehead.

"You should be careful," Legolas's soft voice says.

"Probably," I roll my eyes.

He looks over at the food and sees the note. But I quickly snatch it before he can read it, angry with Arley in an amused way. He looks up at me with concern but with a frown.

I act like it was nothing.

He picks up one of the plates and a cup of water and hands it to me.

I smile and take it, setting the cup on the table and pinching at the bread with my hands, eating small bites.

I look down at my shirt that gaps at the low collar and quickly pull it up, even though his eyes never go there thankfully.

I look up at him as he looks out the dirty cabin window thoughtfully.

"Eat, Legolas," I say. "You need food."

He doesn't reply.

"Get over here and eat, stubborn mule," I say angrily but giggling after.

He finally looks back at me. "As you wish," he gives me a look and walks to the table, picking up a leek and taking a polite bite from it. Elves.


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