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"You expect me to send my entire army to Gondor because two strangers entered my realm and halls uninvited, and tell me of Sauron's plans that may or may not be true at all?" King Ulric III says to us a bit agitated.

I breathe. "We realize that it is much to process," I start. "But we have seen his plans through the sights of a palantir. He means to strike Minas Tirith first."

The older dark haired man squints at us. "To what do we owe Gondor?"

"Why does everyone keep asking that?"

"Sauron means to strike out the race of men. It will start at Gondor, then Rohan, and spread north until all lands are flowing with evil," Legolas says.

"Unless we stop him," I say.

"Do you think our armies are enough to end all orc, Uruk-hai, goblin, nazgul, and troll?"

"No. That's why we are to gather the armies of dwarf and elf as well. Together we can win this for sure."

"Even if what you are telling me is true, how am I to believe you?"

"You may not know me, true. But you might know Prince Legolas Greenleaf of the Woodland Realm." I gesture to him. "We were sent by Gandalf the White. I reckon you have heard of him?"

"Everyone is friends with Gandalf in Middle Earth it does not surprise me. Though there is no proof that he indeed sent you."

"There wouldn't be unless we could magically teleport him here to tell you himself. But you have to believe us."

"Why didn't Gandalf come himself?"

"He is busy in the WhiteCity with strategy so I offered to come in his stead. But that is beside the point. Can't you send soldiers to Minas Tirith? We ask that of you, to protect your own race from extinction."

"I will not send armies from these lands for a month leaving us unprotected from the armies that threaten us daily from the south and creep on us from the western woods. Now leave my company before I choose to hang you." He adjusts the grey fur on his broad shoulders.

I shut my mouth before I say anything in anger and turn to leave, grabbing my weapons from the guard at the door and push my way out.

I stop in the sunlight at the bottom of the steps to the king's palace, even smaller than the one in Rohan. I sigh, squinting from the light.

Legolas is right behind me.

I close my eyes in frustration as my hair blows in the light wind, hearing busy voices and people packing on their ships to leave, the sounds of waves and seagulls filling the air.

Legolas places a hand on my shoulder gently. My hand reaches up to touch the soft skin on his fingers and I breathe.

I open my eyes to look at the stone overlook of the ocean in the distance. I see a woman standing there with chocolate brown hair and wearing grey trousers, boots, and a black top. The only reason I assumed it was a woman was because of her build and her long hair that almost reaches her butt.

I see Bard walking up the steps behind her and then her head turns around. "Bard?" she asks in surprise and runs up to him as he approaches her. The two embrace in a tight hug and I can't help but smile. At least Bard got what he came here for.

I decide to walk down to the docks where our ship is, along with our crew. I meet them with a less excited expression.

"What did the king say?" Borin asks when he sees us, walking to where we had stopped.

I give him a look of disappointment and he breathes.

"What are you all to do?" I ask.

"Blackwood gave us his ship. So we are to set sail within a few hours after some of the men come back with supplies."

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