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Cliff? Which cliff? I run over to the edge of the area and look down the rocks to the river at the bottom of the drop.

My eyes search the water frantically. I follow the flow of the stream and search for remains of any kind. All I see is the body of a huge wolf in the distance that had washed up on the shore. I run alongside the cliff to where it is. I see, in the distance a body in the water. I run for it to see who it is, hopping down the stones and running in the warm water. It is indeed the ranger. He bleeds from his head into the clear water.

I trudge through the river and to where he floats, grabbing his arm and torso, and pulling him to shore. He is knocked out cold.

"Legolas! Gimli! Théoden!" I call as I drag him out of the water. They come running down frantically, Legolas seeming the most eager.

"He's bleeding," I say in worry.

"Get him on a horse," Théoden says in haste. But we look to the left to see Aragorn's horse standing there ready to carry him. Legolas and Théoden lift the man onto the brown horse's back and Legolas hops up behind him.

"Get the wounded on horses!" Théoden calls to his men. "...And leave the dead."

"Take my horse, Vil," Legolas says.

I nod and he takes off towards Helm's Deep with Aragorn's "body".

I look to my right to see Gimli gone. He mounts the white horse and I run up the hill towards him. I put my foot in the stirrup and pull myself on the animal in front of the dwarf. We take off northwest, following the rest of the soldiers.





We arrive at Helm's Deep after a couple hours of travel. It is a great fortress with two tiers next to a large tower that holds the battle horn. The great wall cuts us off from reaching it and the walled courtyard to the left of the tiers that is fenced in by cliffs. A turning stone ramp leads to the great gate on the bottom tier. The whole thing is intimidating because of how massive it is.

We ride up the path to the doors of the fortress, the thing looking larger the closer I get. The great wooden gates open to us and we enter the city. People are out in the stone streets and our citizens walk up and down the steps.

They all work together to get all of the food into one spot and settle in the great city. I am glad to see that they all made it.

I see no sign of Théoden, Éowyn, or Legolas. But we get off our horse and guide it to where the stables are. Then we run up to the keep where they have taken all of the wounded.

I climb the stairs past civilians that I don't even glance at, thinking too hard on the friend that is badly hurt.

When I get to the top Gimli and I run to the doors of the hall past the stone pillars that hold the roof of the keep. Inside I stop and look to where they carry wounded men and I follow them; to the western room where people lie in beds and women tend to their injuries.

I find Aragorn there with Legolas and Éowyn. I run up to them as Éowyn wraps the ranger's head in bandages. Théoden is standing there as well.

I rush to his side and check for a pulse by pressing two fingers on his wrist. They wonder what I am doing.

"His heart beats faintly," I say. "He is losing life as we speak." I try to keep the worry in my voice to a minimum

"What can we do?" Éowyn asks with a tone like mine.

I look up at her. "Nothing. You guys don't have to tools you need to save his life. The only thing that would work is an elvish healer and my thoughts say that you don't have one standing by."

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