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The breeze flows through my white locks and the leaves fall from their orange limbs. The sun seeps through the shifting foliage and I close my eyes. The road is empty. Why am I searching? What am I searching for?

"Lady Vilora," a voice says behind me that startles me. I turn to see an elven woman with long russet hair standing in the doorway. I had been outside for hours. "You requested me."

"Did I? Oh yes. King Thranduil said you can teach me elvish."

"I can, my lady. Follow me."

"Okay," I say excitedly and run after her.

We walk about the paradise inside and she teaches me different words and how to pronounce them. But we also make conversation, surprisingly. I didn't think I would be able to get to know anyone here. She tells me her name is Niniliath and by her mannerisms she seems not as old as the rest of them, which makes me feel a bit more comfortable.

"Creoso a'baramin," she speaks as I keep my eyes on my bare feet moving across the stone floor. We walk towards the back of the palace in an open hallway, passing other elves who read and visit with each other. I look up at her when there is a pause.

"What did I say?" she asks.

"Welcome... uh... friend?"

She roles her eyes. "Keep guessing."

"Welcome... Balrog?"

She laughs. "Really? Pay attention."

I giggle from trying to kid around.

"I said 'welcome to my dwelling'. Why don't you try and say 'welcome my friend' again?"

"Uhhh... right..."

"What's 'welcome'?"


"Right. Now can you not remember the rest?"

"Can we take a break? My head hurts."

"Finish this one and we can, Vil."

"Fine. Um is it 'Creoso, mello... namin'?"

"Yes. Good job, mellon." (friend)

I breathe. We have arrived at the back of the mountain and in front of me is an open wall for the view I suppose. Because it's not like I can walk out being this high. But the breeze coming in feels nice. And this particular space isn't crowded. I sit on the bench made from a log that faces the "window" and relax.

"I'll be right back," I hear Niniliath say behind me. I turn around to see a stern look. "Stay here," she commands, knowing that I have a problem with wondering off.

Then she leaves. I am left alone. For a while I think about today and learning my language... but then other thoughts go through my head. One about last night that I push away. I wonder to myself how long it takes to get to Rivendell and back...

I am lost in my thoughts and don't come back from them until a hand touches my shoulder. I gasp and look up. Dang it she always does that.

An amused smile is on Nin's face. "Here, I smuggled some food for you." She hands me a piece of cloth with an apple and a slice of bread folded in it.

I take it with both my hands. "Thanks."

Her eye brows lift.

"Uh I mean 'diola lle'."

"Lle creoso." (you're welcome) I can tell she is proud of her student.

I smile like a child and nibble on the bread. 

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