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I pack new supplies into my satchel and change into some new clothes Nin gave me. She and the others have already hugged me goodbye and were a bit more sorrowful this time, knowing that we go off to war.

It is a hooded, long sleeved, brown leather tunic that is stitched up at the front and back. I wear my washed trousers under it and some laced up brown leather boots that go up just past the knee.

My hair is woven tightly in four braids that meet at the back of my head where it, and the rest are bound in a ponytail at my neck; for fight.

I slip my bag over my shoulder and take a deep breath. I know of what I must do. I hate leaving home again but it is to protect the people I love.

I walk from my room, taking one look back and then shutting the door behind me. I walk down the spiral steps and then down the halls towards the exit. The two elves that guard the door in front of me reach over to open it as I approach them. I make a bow with my head as they do and then walk out into the sunlight.

Morier stands at the forest road just beyond the bridge. I walk up to him as Legolas turns his head when he hears me come out. But he finishes strapping something to our saddle. He is back in his usual attire now, with only new arrows on the saddle of my fell beast.

I cross the bridge but stop there... and I turn to look upon my kingdom; my home. The leaves fall down like snow around me as my hair is tugged lightly by quiet winds. I stare there at the tall pillars carved beautifully, the flawless elven gates, the two guards that stand loyal to this place...

I shut my eyes and breathe before turning and leaving it behind.

I walk through the dead leaves on the forest floor and over to where my companions are. I duck around the large beast's wing and to the neck. There I take off my bag and buckle it to my dragon.

"My father will not help us," Legolas says.

I don't even look at him when I answer quickly, "We'll fight without him."

He hesitates and I grip the black leather saddle and hop onto the back of my beast.

My elf leaps swiftly up in front of me and pulls out the reins.

"Let's go," I say.

"To the clouds saurar," Legolas speaks and Morier begins to stretch out his wings and leap into the air as my stomach drops. (saurar: foul one)

We burst through the trees after I hold on tightly to Legolas, wind blowing down on us and heading towards the crowded skies. I look behind me, still clutching to the waist of my companion, down at the red forests that grow farther and farther from us...

I close my eyes and clutch to Legolas, full of sorrow for once again leaving... and probably never coming back. Will I forget the faces of Nin and Kel and Nodwen? Will I forget Thranduil?

But I know that you can never forget those who truly love you... those who risk their lives for you or simply make you smile when you thought you couldn't. I hope in my heart to see them all again... but I am willing to put everything on the line in order to save Middle Earth and I know the consequences of such a promise. I am sad... but I am ready.

We head west, and as high as we can go while still being able to breathe. I can see dimly the forest road below, a line drawn that divides the sea of orange and also leads through the MistyMountains where we fly towards.

The journey takes us all day and a turbulent trek over the snow covered clusters of stone that stretch higher than any other mountains in Arda. But we reach the peaks and land there for camp on the rocks. It's colder here than it was by Erebor, but with two blankets, my elf to cuddle with, and Morier around us both, we survive the frosty night without anything to make a fire with. I try to get as much sleep as I can.

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