The Interview

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(Y/N is female in this so just heads up)

I lie awake, watching in agony as the seconds tick by. it was 3:34 in the morning, I knew I should be asleep, I had an onsite interview at 9:00am, and I hadn't even gotten a wink of sleep. A few weeks ago, I had scored a job interview at Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex, if I got this job, I would become the daycare manager, and the animatronics that resided in that part of the mall would become by responsibility. The excitement and worry was what was keeping me awake.

About four hours pass, it's 8:09, and finally, I fell to exhaustion, and sleep takes hold of me.

I awake to my furious alarm, and slam my hand on the off button. it was 8:30, I needed to get ready for my interview.

I stumble to the bathroom, and splash water in my face. I stood there, staring at my dripping wet reflection. I looked worse than actual dog shit.

Reaching into the bathroom cabinet, I pull out my anxiety medication, a while ago I was diagnosed with GAD, (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and have been on mediation ever since. 

I take my meds and begin brushing my teeth, still drowsy from what was essentially an all-nighter. I then wash my face, trying to remove any trace of exhaustion from my ragged features. 

After finishing up in the bathroom, I head back to my bedroom, and pick out a suitable outfit consisting of jeans, a white t-shirt, and some rainbow socks. 

Once dressed I look into the mirror, I was short for your average twenty one year old, my height being 4'11, I have always been the one that everyone carries around with ease, I'm only one hundred twelve pounds afterall. 

As I did my hair, the looming fear of failure and rejection peered around the corner. I was terrified of getting denied this job.

I put on my nice black sneakers, my hair now in a neat ponytail, I check the time, 8:53, "Holy shit!" I exclaim, I'm gonna be late if I don't leave soon.

I grab my purse and keys, making sure that the scars on my arms weren't too noticeable, and bolt to my car. 

I start the engine up, and begin my drive to Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. 

It was about an eight to ten minute drive from my small house to the Pizzaplex, and because the place was so popular, traffic was terrible.

As I finally reach the parking lot, there are families everywhere, screaming children littered the place. I let lose a yawn, and after some searching, pull into a good spot just as someone is leaving.

I look in my mirror, checking my makeup and hair, before departing.

As I get out and lock my car, I double check everything, my anxiety meds must have not kicked in yet, I couldn't help but imagine the worst possible scenarios I could get caught in. I timidly approach the grand entrance, and open the doors, a wave of cold air suddenly hits me, making me do a double take.

I couldn't believe this was happening, this place was huge as fuck, I could easily get lost. I begin walking further in, and my panic deepens with every step, I was one minute late, I'm in an unfamiliar environment, this place is huge, and there's too many people.

Just then I jump, as there's a light tap on my shoulder, I turn, it's just a map bot, I remember these things. 

"Please take a map." 

I reach out and do just that.


I open the pamphlet, and scan for anything related to manager's office.

Just then I spot it, not to far from my current position, I think I can make it if I run.

I dash between people and I think I may have photobombed a few of them, turning several corners, and running down deserted back hallways until finally, I reach the door.

I take a deep breath, fix my hair, straighten out my clothes, and knock.

The door opens nearly instantly, and a kind looking man is standing at the entrance.

"Ah, you must be Y/N, I take it?"

I clear my throat, "Yes, that's me. Sorry that I'm late."

He smiles warmly, "Oh, don't worry, as long as you show up, your fine." He gestures for me to come in, and I do. He closes the door and seats himself at a very professional looking desk.

"Please, sit." He points to a chair facing opposite of his, and I sit down, he folds his hands together and looks me up and down, I scratch at my arms nervously.

"So, tell me, what makes you think this is the job for you?"

I clear my throat, "Well, I have worked at nursing homes and smaller daycares in the past, I have a way with children, and I know standard procedures."

"Tell me about yourself." He says, looking me in the eye.

"I'm twenty one, I live alone, I personally enjoy the company of children, and the innocence they can bring to a room. When I was younger my dad did some terrible things to me and my mom, but he's in jail now. I have a personal connection with the daycare attendants, I spent most of my childhood there."

"What are your weaknesses?" He asks, his tone skeptical, but his face optimistic. 

"Well, I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, I have some issues with maintaining my composure during stressful situations, and am prone to panic attacks, but I've gotten better, and now I have more control over myself and my emotions."

"Well, what attracted you to our company?"

"This place was practically where I grew up, my mom worked nights and days, so I slept overnight in the daycare quite often, and I was recently looking for a job, so I thought, why not?"

"Hmm, I see, well, what are your strengths?"

"Well, I know CPR, and how to deal with injuries, from a small scratch to a compound fracture, I can tell when someone is having a heart attack or stroke, and I'm trained in basic first aid."

I slide my resume across the desk, he picks it up and scans through it, "Your hired."

I stare in shock, "Really? That's it?"

"Yep, here's your schedule, you are now the daycare's permanent manager, these are some notes on the attendants and routines, if you would like the extra help."

I take the papers gratefully, "When do I start?"

He looks at his watch, "Riiiight... Now."

I thank him once again, gather my things and head for the daycare. 

No training or anything... I don't even have a uniform, maybe I get it when I arrive, Fazbear is such a confusing company...

The lobby to the daycare is just how I remember it, vibrant colors decorating the walls, the theater and gift shop haven't changed a bit either.

I reach the daycare doors, there's barely any sound coming from within, I take a moment to compose myself, and then knock as hard as possible.

(Sorry if the pacing is too quick, I tried my best to slow it down a little.)

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