Sleepover pt 2

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Moon snaps out of what looks like a trance, but I can only assume he was talking with Sun.

"So, now that the movie's over, what do you want to do?" He asked, releasing my hand.

"Well, we could go back to your room, maybe play some video games?" I said, my tone hopeful.

"Yeah, sure." He said, standing, then picking me up.

I roll my eyes as he walks out of the theater.

"I can walk you know." I say, aggravated. His hand was on my thigh, but... I liked it? No. That didn't seem right... I shouldn't like that.

He ignores me, and the wire lowers from the ceiling, connecting to his back, and we're lifted into the air.

This time he didn't toss me up, and he didn't try and show off his aerial skills, he just floated up to the balcony.

He landed on the balcony, and paused, seemingly arguing with Sun, just based on his facial expressions.

He then walks to his bed, and drops me. He was quite tall, so it was a high drop. 

"Hey! Don't drop me like that!" I yelled.

He just laughed, and sat down, "Whatcha gonna do about it short stuff fil?" He asked, a playful glint in his eye.

I push him down, and he lays there, my hands on his chest, I'm practically sitting on his waist, but I don't dwell on it, putting those intimate thoughts in the back of my head.

I start playfully hitting him, and he does the same. 

"You're so weak!" He laughs.

I cross my arms, he was so rude!

"I am not weak! You're just resilient." I say, turning my head away, not meeting his eyes.

He laughs, and pulls me down, I was laying on his chest, one of his hands was on my back, the other rested close to my thigh.

I try to sit up, but he just pulls me back down, "Hey! Let me go Moon!" I yell, he just lightly chuckles, "No, I don't think I want to." He said.

We sat in silence for a moment, the only other thing accompanying us was our synchronized breathing.

After what feels like forever, Moon speaks up, "Sooo, what game do you want to play?"

"let's go with a classic, how about Cuphead?" I ask, my face still pressed against his warm chest.

"Sure, I'll go set it up." He sits up, causing me to fall backwards. He laughs a little before walking over to a large TV in a corner on the wall where the balcony was, and he starts setting up the game.

He pulls up a new game file, "You wanna be Cuphead, or Mugman?" He asked, looking over at his bed, where I was still seated.

"Mugman." I said as I stood, I stretched, and my joints popped. It was the best feeling ever. I walk over, and sit next to Moon on a huge blue bean bag.

He hands he a controller, we go through the tutorial, and begin the game.

We manage to complete map one after a few hours, and move onto map two, which was much harder than we would have liked.

"Come on! Come on! Parry me already!" I yell, waiting for Moon to revive me.

"I'm trying! Calm down!" He yells back.

"Finally. Took you long enough." I say sarcastically.

"Oh, don't you start with that." He says, pausing the game and playfully shoving me off the bean bag.

I gasp dramatically, and jump up, "How dare you!" I say, pretending to be offended.

He laughs, causing me to laugh with him.

We both wheeze uncontrollably for a few minutes

We were both on the floor, my stomach hurt from laughing, I don't even know why that was so funny, it just was.

I take a few deep breaths, and so does Moon. We manage to maintain our composure, and return to our game.

It was 4:23 in the morning when we finally turned off the TV, I was exhausted. 

"Sun's gonna kill me for letting you stay up this late." Moon laughed, as he plugged in the controllers.

It was silent for a moment, before Moon's voice cut through the air like a knife.

"You wanna sleep with me in my bed, or..." His voice trailed off, he was making direct eye contact, a desperate plea for a yes.

"You know what? Sure." I said, a smile spread across Moon's face. 

As we lay down in his bed, his legs intertwined with mine, I don't think he noticed, but one of his hands was resting on my breast. The other was around my waist. My body was pressed against his, my ass was lightly pressed against his crotch. I couldn't help but blush.

Moon pulled the covers over the both of us, pulling me closer to him.

"Starlight, your shaking, everything ok?" He asked softly, his eyes closed.

I didn't realize I was that flustered, "Yep! Everything is ok!" I say, my whole face is extremely hot.

"If you say so..." Moon mutters in response.

I can feel his body relaxing against mine, I can also feel his crotch pressing against my ass more than it was before.

Moon's breathing steadies as he drifts into sleep, leaving me and my thoughts alone together. Me and my nasty thoughts.

All I could think about was his hand on my breast, his crotch against my ass, his legs intertwined with mine.

What was wrong with me? Why was I thinking this way? I had never thought this way about anyone else, then again, I've never had what I have with Sun and Moon.

I take a deep breath, and try to close my eyes. My body craved rest, but my restless brain fought back, resisting the call of slumber.

Finally, after what felt like forever, I fell into the embrace of sleep, Moon's warm body making it nearly impossible.

(Sorry that this one was so short, sorry there was no RoMaNtIc kissing.)

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