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I woke to Aria shaking me.

"What, what?!" I say, jolting awake.

Aria has a concerned look on her face.

"What's wrong, did something happen?" I ask, standing up.

"Well, Moon's AI chip, essentially his consciousness, was badly damaged..." She stops to look at the dread that has taken over my facial expression, "But don't worry! We fixed it!" She says, waving her hands.

I relax a bit, "Can I see them?" I asked, looking past her, they were no longer in the glass room.

"Um, yeah, follow me." She turns and walks around a corner, and through a door.

I can hear excited chatter, it's slowly getting louder as I approach the door.

When I enter I see a bunch of workers, Sun, and Moon? They were both in separate bodies, and they were, fighting each other? The workers were cheering and shouting.

Moon was about half a foot taller than Sun, and they both seemed thrilled that they could actually see each other.

"Ok, ok! Everyone calm down!" Aria said with a laugh.

"Sun? Moon? "I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

The two of them turn to me, and they're faces light up.

"Y/N!" They both say, the two of them rush up to me, and envelop me in a hug.

I laugh, "Don't squeeze so tight!"

They put me down, and both squat, trying to meet my height.

"Why- Why are you two-?" my voice trails off, as I look at the two of them, it's like a surreal dream.

"Well, there were some technical issues with Moon's AI chip, so to save him we had to transfer it to a different body." Aria explains.

That doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I get the gist.

"So, are they free to go?" I ask, turning to Aria.

"Yep! We were waiting for you to wake up, Moon insisted that you sleep for a little longer, and there wasn't much we could do with him standing between us and you." She said.

I blush and look at the floor, "We best be on our way then, right boys?" 

Sun and Moon grab my hands, and walk me out of parts and services, and back into the daycare.

When Sun sees the amount of oil and blood on the floor, he freaks. 

"What a mess! What a mess! It's so unsanitary too! Moon, I have to go clean this up, I'll be right back!" He says, rushing to get the cleaning supplies.

Moon just chuckles, and takes me to the security desk.

"So Starlight, what do you think?" I look up at him, he was even taller than before, "I think that my job just got a whole lot more awesome." I say, plopping down in my swivel seat.

He laughs, "Did it now?"

"Yep." I say, not looking up at him, but looking down at what I believe is today's schedule.

Sun rushes back in with an assortment of cleaning supplies, he then gets to work on scrubbing down everything in sight.

Moon goes to help him, and he seemed grateful.

When they were done, they came back to the security desk, and just sat on the floor, looking  directly at me.

"What do you guys need?" I asked, typing something up on one of the computers.

Sun/Moon x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now