The Moon

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Once Moon came out, I went to sit at the desk, and just stared. It felt like a surreal dream. I couldn't believe I was actually here.

I could hear Moon's soothing voice in the distance as he read Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to the children, once he was done, he sang a short lullaby as he tucked each child in, a lullaby I remembered very well, it was my favorite, Hush Little Baby.

I had grown attached to the song because it was what my mom would sing to me when we were hiding from my drunk father, she would sing it to keep me quiet, and to protect me.

I was so caught up in my memories that I didn't even notice that Moon had stopped singing, or that he was right in front of me.


I yelped, and jumped back, nearly falling out of my chair.

He chuckled, "Still a little jumpy I see."

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" I glared at him.

"I didn't sneak up on you, I was standing right infront of you, waiting for you to realize I was there."

"Oh you son of a-" He covers my mouth, glaring, "My my, you have quite the potty mouth, now don't you? Wouldn't want a report of a kid repeating a word they heard from you, now would we?"

I removed his hand, and looked at him, a smirk spread across my face, "Motherfucker." I said, waiting for his reaction.

He stood there, sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"You're lucky Sun's sleeping right now."

I laughed, I loved annoying him, and it had been so long since I had even seen his face, this was gold.

We talked for a little, catching up, reminiscing old memories.

Throughout our conversation, I could see Moon getting more, and more concerned, his brow furrowing, and his eyes narrowing. 

Then he spoke up, "Starlight, are you ok? You seem exhausted. It's been triggering my protocols for the past fifteen minutes."

I laugh nervously, "I'm fine Moon! No need to worry."

His expression turned serious,  "What's wrong? You know your really bad at hiding things."

I sighed, "Nothing is wrong, now, what were we talking about?" I give a fake smile, he looks a little unconvinced, but we pick up the conversation where we left off.

After a few minutes, the darkness that my eyes were subjected to had begun to take its toll, my reactions were slow, my responses even slower. I knew for a fact Moon was a tad concerned, I could see it all over his face.

"Starlight, I know how you act when you haven't slept, me and Sun have dealt with you when you've pulled all-nighters, I would recognize this from anywhere. Tell me, how much sleep did you get last night?" 

Slightly surprised by his upfront approach, he normally didn't address it this way, and would normally coax me into a comfortable position and would then soothe me to sleep, he knew I wouldn't be able to fight back at that point, but he had never approached the situation verbally.

"I got about eight to nine hours of sleep, and I had caffeine this morning, there's no need to be concerned." I say, waving off the question, This was a complete lie, I got like, twenty minutes of sleep. 

As I try to continue our previous conversation, he clamps his hand over my mouth.

"Liar." He says, looking the slightest annoyed.

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