Panic Attack

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As I enter the daycare lobby, I see Sun standing in front of the daycare doors, his arms folded, he was tapping his foot impatiently, and there was an annoyed scowl on his face.

Once he caught sight of me, he glared holes through my forehead.

"Heeeey..." I said timidly.

"What were you doing?! You're late!" 

"I-I slept in, s-sorry Sun..." I scratch at my arm, I tend to do this where nervous or overwhelmed.

He takes a deep breath, "I-it's ok, you just had me and Moon worried, please, set an alarm, don't do that again." He grabs my hand, my sleve falls back over my arm.

He leads me into the daycare, "I have a surprise for you!" He says, his annoyed tone immediately dropped.

"oh?" I ask, curious as to what it could be.

On the security desk lay a neat pile of clothes, "We got you a uniform!" Sun says excitedly.

I walk over and pick up the clothes, I hear Sun off to my right, "Go, go to the bathroom! I want to see you wearing it now!"

I laugh as he pushes me out of the daycare.

I enter the bathroom and lock myself in one of the stalls, changing wasn't too difficult, the outfit was rather nice as well.

I exited the stall and looked at myself in the mirror, god, I'm hot.

The outfit consisted of a white button up shirt, and pants that look just like Sun and Moon's except on one side was an exact copy of Sun's pants, and the other was a copy of Moon's, the designs separated by a line going through the crotch, so each pant leg was different. The shoes were similar to Sun and Moon's, except they didn't curve as much. The shirt was a, there were two golden bracelets, one with a golden sun, and another with a golden crescent moon. And to top it off there were adorable sun and moon earrings!

I exited the bathroom, and Sun gasped, there was a slight tint of red at his cheeks, but I decided to ignore it.

He circled me, "You look wonderful Sunshine!!" 

"Moon wants to see for himself, is that ok?"

I nod, "Of course."

Sun walks to the lightswitch, and turns off the lights, but when Moon comes out, he's not as happy as Sun.

He approaches me with caution, confused, I ask, "Moon? Is something wrong?"

He sighs, and takes my hands into his, I have to crane my neck to get a proper look at his face.

"Starlight..." He says softly.

"Yes?" I ask, still confused.

"You promised. You promised me you wouldn't do it ever again." He grips my hands tighter.

Just then it hits me. My arms, he talking about my arms. He must have remember how many scars I had, and he probably knows some of them are recent to.

I pull myself away, taking a step back.

"M-moon? I have no clue what you're talking about. Perhaps you could, elaborate?"

He sighs, "You said you would stop cutting. You lied to me."

I gulp.

He holds out his hand, "Give me your purse, I want to make sure you don't have anything in there."

"I-it's on the desk..." I say, feeling overwhelmed. 

As he walks to the desk in search of my bag, I take this chance to bolt towards the play structure. I needed to get away. I don't know why, but I knew I had to.

Sun/Moon x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now