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(Warning! There will be rape in this part, if this makes you uncomfortable, you can stop reading or skip this part)

I awake the next morning, not super sure as to what happened the night before, but I do remember Moon- oh my god. He had put his faceplate in the sensitive part of my neck, on purpose?! 

My face turns red just thinking about it

I quickly get ready, skipping breakfast, I check my phone, 6:00, good, I won't be too late.

I quickly run to my car and bolt it down the road, not giving a shit about the speed limit.

I pull into the Pizaaplex parking lot, there are only a few cars, the place feels deserted.

As I approach the front entrance, something feels off, I have a bad feeling...

I shrug it off, every bad thought would disappear when I saw Sun and Moon, the two goofballs always make my day.

As I'm walking to the daycare, I see the manager waiting at the entrance to the daycare lobby.

He notices me, "Y/N! Just the girl I was looking for!"

I wave politely, "Did you need something from me sir?" I ask, the bad feeling getting stronger.

 "Actually, I do! I need you for a very special task!"

The way he worded his sentences was a little off putting, but again, I brush it off.

He grabs my hand, and without warning shoves me into the wall, pinning me there. 

"S-sir?" I ask, trying to maintain my politeness, but this was really bringing back old memories.

He licks his lips, and scans my body, his eyes have a hungry glint to them.

He then moves his right hand, and caresses my thigh, slowly working his way to my crotch.

"Sir- this is highly unethical-" I'm cut off as he grabs my crotch and begins massaging it. 

Tears form in my eyes, as he moves from massaging to fingering.

I didn't say anything, I just let it happen, and it just got worse and worse. 

His tongue intertwines with mine as he slams his body against me.

I couldn't do anything, I was frozen in fear, he began taking off my clothes, as the moment gets more, and more intimate.

When he was done, I had to pull my pants back up, wipe the tears away, and pretend everything was fine. I've done it thousands of times, what's one more?

I pick up my things, and continue to the daycare.

Once I reached the main entrance, I went through my keys for a moment before finding the right one. I unlock the large wooden doors, and push one open. I try to sneak to the security desk, but Sun immediately saw me "Sunshine!" He exclaimed, "Hey Sunny." I try to match his energy, but after what just happened, I could barely muster a smile.

His joy immediately turns to concern, "Sunshine? Are you ok? You're pale, and your legs seem weak, are you sick?"

"No, no, not sick Sunny, I promise."

Nonetheless he insists on checking my temperature, and having me rest. 

"Your legs look as if they could give out at any moment! I don't want you falling while holding a child!"

I pulled his faceplate down so we were eye to eye, "Sunny, I'm fine."

He backs away for a moment, probably talking with Moon, he turns to me, "Moon wants to double check, just for his own moral conscious."

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