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Moon comes back with a pair of blue and yellow pajamas, the bottoms were sweatpants with blue with yellow stars, the top was a yellow sweater with small white suns decorating it.

He had also brought me a new pair of underwear and a bra.

He hands me the clothes and stands outside the kitchen door, facing away, as to give me privacy but still be there if something were to happen. "Would you like to stay at the daycare tonight? I would understand if your uncomfortable going out on your own."

I freeze, "Yeah, if that's ok with you two..."

Moon laughs, "Of course Starlight, we deeply enjoy your company."

I smile, and quickly get changed, once I'm done, I call out, "Ok, I have clothes on now."

He turns back to me, "Would you like me to wash your previous outfit?"

"Yes please." I look at the ground, embarrassed.

"Oh, Starlight, no need to be embarrassed, what happened to you today and when you were a child is a scarring experience, but it's our scars that make us stronger." He tucks my hair behind my ear, grabs my hand, and hoists me onto his shoulder, his wire connecting to his back.

"Hold on!"

We shoot into the air, and fly around for a moment, I scream and laugh the whole time, and he laughs with me. 

After a minute or so, he finally takes me to the balcony, and sets me down.

"You can go sit on my bed, I'm going to go throw these in the wash." He points to a door on his side of the room, which is where I assume the washing and drying machines were.

I walk over and sit on his bed, and watch as he disappears into the other room.

I look around, and pick up a stuffed animal resting neatly on his pillow, it was the one of Sun that I had made for him, my first actual doll. I remember how proud of me he was, he then offered to help me make one of him for Sun, but I wanted to do it on my own, I instructed him to pose, and made Sun's Moon doll based off of that, I laugh at the memory, how young and innocent I was.

He comes back into the room, and starts rifling through the draws under his bed.

"Whatcha looking for?" I ask, setting down the doll.

"My pajamas."

"You have pajamas?" 

He looks up, "Course I do, Sun has some as well. We also have casual clothes, did you think that we never changed from our work outfits?"

"Wellllll..." I look away, not making eye contact.

"Starlight. You have know us nearly your whole life, how did you not know this?"

"I dunno, guess I never paid that close attention to every little detail." I shrug.

He laughs gently, "Sunny fell asleep, so I have to take charge of dismissal. Don't worry, no one can get into this room, and there aren't any security cameras, so no one can spy on you. I'll come back up once every kid is gone, and that shouldn't take too long. Don't mess with things you know you shouldn't." He laid a pair of clothes on the bed and jumped off the balcony.

I smiled, he really hasn't changed. 

I'm left alone with my thoughts, and end up reviewing what had happened to me in that kitchen.

Then I realized he saw my bare crotch. and half of my tit. for the first time in a while, my whole face turned red, I picked up his pillow and screamed into it.

Sun/Moon x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now