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(Mentions of rape, skip if this makes you uncomfortable)
(Also this one is going to get romantic. And when I say that, I mean bedroom romantic. If yk yk)

As I get home, I reflect on my day, thinking about the red eyes, thinking about how weird Monty was acting. None of it made sense, at the beginning of my week, everything seemed normal, everyone seemed normal.

What was going on? Sun and Moon seemed like they weren't telling me everything...

Nonetheless, I trust them.

I take a seat on my couch and turn on the TV.

I stare at the TV in disbelief, Sun and Moon are being interviewed on sight. Sun seemed apprehensive, but Moon just wouldn't stop talking.

It was about Mr. Marsden.

He had been arrested.

I immediately pick up my phone, and call Sun, watching the TV as he reaches into his pocket, looks at his phone, taps Moon on the shoulder, shows him the phone, and leaves to answer it.


"Sun. I just turned on my TV, is it true?"

He pauses for a moment, I can faintly hear sirens and talking in the background, "Yes, he got caught pinning a girl against the wall, I believe she's Roxanne's manager. Unfortunately, he had already begun his routine, he was caught in the middle of it."

"Is she ok?" I ask, concerned.

"She's been taken to the hospital, she is physically ok, mentally however..."
His voice trails off.

I feel a pang of regret, if we had called the police when I was attacked, this poor girl would never have been scarred in such a way.

I sit down, Sun must have picked up on my depressed demeanor because he said "Oh no you don't, don't you dare get depressed again. Last time you went emo, and I swear to god Y/N, if you start drinking again-"

I laugh a little, "I promise I'm not depressed like that anymore."


I laugh again.

"You guys wanna have a sleepover?"

The question was completely out of the blue, and I knew the answer would be yes regardless.

There was silence for a moment before, "YES!! WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A SLEEPOVER!!!!"

I had to pull the phone away from my ear, a slight smile playing on my face.

"I'll bring my stuff tomorrow, make sure to get your room ready."
I say, excited.

(time skip lol, I spent 3 days trying to think of something to put down, so we're just gonna jump to the romantical shit)

As I close up the daycare, I feel a presence behind me.
I turn, It was Moon.

He leans down and grabs my chin, "Ready for our sleepover, starlight~?"

My face turns red, "Y-yeah." I say, looking away.

He smiles, taking my hand into his, and I hear the click of his wire as he lifts me into the air with him.

He lands gracefully on the balcony, and I can see Sun sitting on his bed.

Sun was wearing a blue shirt with a moon on it, and some grey sweatpants.

Moon set me down and I see Sun sitting on the bed with yellow lines, it was covered with stuffed animals, and the bed frame was decorated with stickers and glitter glue. the walls were flooded with pictures and posters, I assume he stole the posters since they're all of the Glamrocks.

"Sunbite! Are you ready for our sleepover???"

Sunbite? That was a new one.

"Yeah, can't wait!"

Sun/Moon x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now