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Sun must have been informed of the situation, because somehow, throughout the entire day,  managed to supervise whatever I was doing, along with all the kids, and would drag me wherever he went. I wasn't allowed a moment alone.

He eventually just started picking me up whenever he changed his location, I think he was getting tired of dragging me around everywhere.

Then came the dreaded naptime. I hadn't said much during my time with Sun, but stayed dead quiet with Moon.

At one point I was scrolling through Tik Tok on my phone, when it was yanked from my hands.


I quickly shut my mouth, Moon was dangling my phone above my head, he was testing me, trying to get a reaction.

"Son of a bitch..." I muttered under my breath.

"Starlight, I think you may need to take a little nap."

He looked at me, I couldn't decipher if he was being serious, or joking.

"No." I said, "Can't make me."

"Wanna bet?" He set my phone down on the desk and lifted my from my chair, hoisting me over his shoulder.

"Hey-!" I attempted to protest, but he just ignored me.

He then took me to the roof of one of the play structures, and sat me in his lap.

I could feel him resting his faceplate in the sensitive part of my neck, I could feel my own face turning a bright red.



"Y-your on the s-sensitive part of my neck."

He dug his faceplate deeper when I said that, I felt like I was melting.

I could feel his hands in my hair, it was soothing, he pulled me farther into his lap.

His faceplate was warm, and it was directly in the crook of my neck. He had moved one hand to my waist, the other still playing with my hair.

"You should sleep Starlight, or, do you need help?" He lifted his head up, his voice soft, yet it had a teasing tone to it.

I scoffed, "Help, me? No. I also don't need a nap."

He looked at me knowingly, "Starlight, my sensors are telling me that you are exhausted and need sleep. If you won't do it willingly, then I'll force you."

"Like you could." He holds me tight, the heat sensors in his body starting up, his was like I was wrapped in a warm blanket. Honestly, it was becoming difficult to not fall asleep in his arms.

Moon's pov:

Her eyes are growing heavy, I can see it.

I move some of her hair out of her face, and smiled, she was out, her facial features like an angel in her sleep.

I turn her body towards me, so she's facing my chest, and I hold her close, I can feel my body warming up, my heat sensors trying to make this the most comfortable hug ever.

I sit, her breathing soft and delicate. I thought about how I had my hand on her waist, how my faceplate was in the crook of her neck, how she was so warm, and pretty, was her whole body this pretty? 

I shake my head, no, I couldn't possibly think such things about her, she was our closest, almost only friend, I wouldn't sacrifice that just for some dirty thoughts. Never.

I know Sun has been thinking them to, every time she laughs, every time she yawns, she just adorable, and we wanted her to be ours, and only ours.

I slap myself, what on Earth was I thinking?! I am an animatronic daycare attendant, and she is a human who works here. It would never work out.

I stand up, and carry her back to the security desk, if she sat in my lap for a moment longer, I feared the thoughts would get worse.

She ended up sleeping for the rest of the day, Sun had to wake her up, and walk her to the lobby area, he didn't exactly trust she wouldn't pass out on the way home, but it was against protocol to forcefully keep her at the daycare.

(Sorry this one was short, I ran out of ideas mid way, but I promise, we will get to the sexy kissing soon, don't worry simps, I got your back.)

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