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In the middle of the night, precisely 12:07, I got a call from an unknown number.

"Who in their right mind would call me at this ungodly hour?" I say as I pick up my phone.

"Hello? This is Y/N." I say, hoping whoever this was just dialed the wrong number.

"Y/N? Thank goodness. I'm the head mechanic of the Pizzaplex, and we need you at the daycare as soon as possible."

"What? Why? Did something happen?" There was genuine concern in my voice, why would they need me to come to the daycare?

"The daycare attendants were attacked, and they're badly damaged, but they're not letting anyone near them. We've heard that they have a strong attachment to you, so we need you to come here to coax them into letting us help."

This struck me like a bullet, who could have hurt them? Why would anyone want to hurt them?

"I'm on my way." I say, having newfound energy, I hop out of bed, and don't even bother to change from my sweatpants and oversized shirt. I slip on my crocs, grab my keys, and head out.

Once I reach the Pizzaplex, I run like never before, trying to get to the daycare as fast as possible.

I burst through the doors, to find several mechanics, and police officers scattered about.

Then, I looked over at a man being cuffed, he looked badly wounded, It was Damian.

"Damian." I say, approaching him, despite the polices warnings.

"Hey cutie~" He says, wearing that stupid smirk, despite the fact that his forehead was dripping with blood, there was a huge gash on his torso, also dripping with blood, and he had several minor cuts and bruises.

"Don't call me that." I say, my voice dripping with venom.

"What did you do to them." It was less of a question, and more of a demand.

"What did I do? I simply taught them a lesson, not to get in the way of me and my soon to be wife~!" He said, clearly drunk, and maybe high.

"Never. Ever. Will. I. Marry. A. Bitch. Like. You." I say, refraining myself from beating the life out of him, or at least what was left.

He just laughs drunkenly.

"Y/N!" I hear from behind me.

I turn, it was who I assume was the head mechanic.

"I'm Aria, the head mechanic." She holds out her hand, and I shake it.

"Nice to meet you." I say, she was dressed in blue overalls, brown Ugs. and a white t-shirt that was stained with oil.

"Now, Sun and Moon have hidden somewhere among the play structures-" She points behind me, "We need you to get them out."

"Ok, I can try." I say, "Which one are they in?"

She points to the green one, "We have reason to believe that they have hidden up there."

"Alright..." I say, walking over to one of the entrances to the structure.

I crawl in, and pause for a moment, there was, weeping? 

"Sun? Moon? It's me, Y/N." I call, hoping for a response.


I continue my way up to the top, and out of the corner of my eye, I see a mix or yellow and blue.

I turn, Sun, or maybe Moon? Was pressed into a corner. 

One pant leg looked like Moon's, but the other looked like Sun's. Their torso was half yellow, and half white, their arms were yellow from the shoulder to the elbow, and then white from the elbow to the wrist, and then it faded to blue on the palm and the back of the hand. their face looked like Sun on one side, but Moon on the other, Sun's rays were there, but Moon's hat covered the top. They were extremely damaged and their pants were ripped to shreds.

"Sun? Moon?"

They just backed farther into the corner.

"It's ok, It's just me, Y/N, I won't hurt you, I promise."

They seem to relax a little at my voice.

"Are you guys ok? Why are you like this?"

 They don't say anything, was their voice box broken?

"Can you guys come with me, we need to get you to parts and service." 

They freak out, if they kept acting like this I feared they would break themselves further.

"Wait! Wait. I'll stay with you the whole time, I won't leave your side."

They take a second, then nod, and slowly crawl towards me.

"Ok, lets go." I turn around, and make my way out of the play structure, hoping they were following me.

Once I emerge, Aria rushes towards me, "Did you get them out?" She asked, the urgency in her voice was prominent.

"Yes, they're right behind me." I say, and as if on cue, Sun, or Moon emerge from the structure.

Aria looks shell shocked, "We need to get them to parts and service immediately!" She tries to grab they're hand, but they pull away, and try and hide behind me.

"Um, I promised them I would be there the whole time, I hope it won't be too much trouble." I say, looking down. 

Aria sighs, "Fine, we'll make an exception for you."

Aria leads us to a stretcher by the entrance to the daycare, and a few other workers help Sun, or Moon onto it. 

I still can't tell who is in control of their shared body.

Then they're taken to parts and service, I do my best to follow behind, but everyone is running, and my adrenaline was beginning to run out.

Once we reach out destination, Sun and Moon are lifted from the stretcher, and into a small circular room with a chair in the center.

I stand outside, my hand on the glass, making sure that I'm visible.

Then, machines start up, and the process of repairing is begun.

Somewhere in the process I fell asleep, my exhausted brain demanding rest, and I finally gave in.

Sun/Moon x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now