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(This is going to be a conversation that Sun and Moon are having telepathically, I'll try to make it lengthy, but this will be formatted more like a script than my previous chapters. It will have what I describe as important information. When Moon is speaking, the text will be slanted.)

Sun, Sun! Sun wake up! 

Mhmm... what...? 

Sun. We need to talk. This is getting out of hand.

What? What is getting out of hand?

You know... The, thoughts... 


Don't think I haven't noticed, we share the same head. I can't blame you though, I'm not any better.

You and I both need to get our  shit together. There is no way she would think those thoughts about us.

Oh Moon... Elaborate on "Those thoughts." I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.

Oh you son of a bitch.



I mean the thoughts of how pretty her lips look, how warm the skin on her thigh is. The thoughts that her whole body may be as beautiful as her face, the thoughts of how she would feel, Wanting to hear the pretty noises she would make...

Sun lets out an exasperated sigh- I understand that we are animatronics, and that it should be against protocol to think those things, but she's just so pretty! Moon, you and I have both seen the way she flusters when me or you touch her waist or thigh. You've noticed it, I know you have. You purposely buried your faceplate in the crook of her neck to see her blush, and it worked. What if she feels the same way? You walked in on her cuddling your pillow for peats sake Moon!

Should be? What do you mean it should be against protocol?

It's not against protocol. Roxanne was in a VERY sexual relationship with her previous manager, and everyone knew this, but didn't do anything about it.

yeah... I guess you're right...

I-I just feel like we're putting our friendship at risk here. 

I do too, maybe we should wait, and double check that our feelings are mutual before trying anything. I wouldn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

That's understandable. For once I can agree on something with you.


Moon laughs, unable to breathe.


Moon's laughing changes to an uncontrollable wheezing

Well, I have to go back and hang out with Y/N, I'm sure you can come out later, but it's my turn.

Fine.-Sun says grumpilly.

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