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I awake to the sounds of children, Moon is nowhere to be found, he must have switched with Sun by now.

I get up and stretch, my joints popping.

I yawn and walk over to the balcony, and sure enough, Sun was down there happily playing with the children, I smile, admiring the scene from above.

One kid points at me, and Sun turns, he says something to the kid, and I watch as a wire lowers down and connects to his back, he lifts off the ground, and makes his way to the balcony.

Once he lands, he crosses his arms in disapproval.

"What...?" I say sheepishly.

"Don't you what me young lady!" 

Young lady?

"Moon said you were being extremely stubborn, and that you hadn't eaten, or slept!"

"I got maybe 20 minutes of sleep, but so what?" I shrug, knowing damn well the conversation I was about to have.

"Excuse me?! Y/N! I thought you had grown out of this! You are an adult! You should know that sleep is important! I know I can't be talking, but you worry us Sunshine. You can't keep this up. Moon said after analyzing you, he found that you hadn't gotten nearly enough sleep for the past two months! And what were you thinking? not eating at all, that's how you get sick! Sunshine, you need to take better care of yourself. You live on your own now, we both missed you, but we also forgot how stubborn you can be when it comes to stuff like this."

His voice trails off, he looks at me with concern. 

"Look, I know I shouldn't have done that, but, I just couldn't sleep, I was too excited and anxious for today! And besides, it won't happen again, promise."

I hold out my pinky, and Sun holds out his, "I pinky promise I'll get better sleep from now on."

Once that was done, his bright smile returned, "Good!" 

He scoops me up, and we float down to the daycare floor.

I check my watch, it was about 7:00, the daycare was going to close soon, and by the looks of it, most of the kids have gone home by now.

Sun sets me down, "I've got to go get ready to leave, we've got thirty minutes until closing time, are any other these kids late stayers?" I ask.

"No, we don't get any of those any more, fortunately."

I smile, and walk to the security desk and begin to gather my things.

Once that was done, I looked over at Sun, he was cleaning up the whole daycare on his own, I thought staff did that? 

"Hey Sunny, you want any help with that?" I call, he looks up, and smiles, "Yeah, that would be great Sunshine!"

As I tidy up with Sun, the last few kids are picked up, and it's just the two of us.

"Can't you have a sleepover? We miss your sleepovers..." He looks at the floor, "Sorry sun, but I need to get home, maybe another day, I can talk to the manager and see what we can do, ok?"

He looks up, still sad, "Ok..."

We finish cleaning up, I grab my things, and I head for the doors, but am pulled back by Sun.

"Sunny, come one, I need to go-"

He pulls me into a hug, "Moony says goodnight." He says softly, "He also says to get good sleep, and eat dinner and breakfast, and to stay hydrated."

I laugh, "I will, don't worry."

He released me, and I turn to him, "Goodnight Sun, Goodnight Moon."

"Goodnight Sunshine."

And with that I leave, and head to the main lobby.

The Pizzaplex looks odd empty, it's like somethings missing.

As I reach my car, I hop inside, and just stare ahead, taking in the surreal day I had. It was like reliving an old memory.

Except I get to do it all again tomorrow.

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