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(Any text messages will be seen as this, Person's name: Hello)

I slowly begin to wake up, the bright light from the daycare casting strange shadows on the walls.

As I come to my senses, I notice that I'm still being held close to someone else's body, Sun's body to be exact.

"Hey Sun?" I whisper, hoping to wake him up.

No response. 

I turn over, now facing him, "Sun, Sun wake up." I say, gently shaking his arm.

"Mhh..." He says, furrowing his brow and putting his face into a pillow.

"Good morning sleepy head." I say playfully.

He yawns, "Good Morning Sunshine." He says, sitting up.

I smile, and Sun smiles back. We both stand, and Sun walks over to his bed.

He begins looking through some drawers, no doubt trying to find his work clothes, when I get a text message.

Damion: Hey, why aren't you home?

I stare in shock at my phone, I thought I blocked his number, cautiously I respond.

Y/N: How did you get my number?

Damian: Doesn't matter, where are you?

I stare at the message, I had broken up with this bitch years ago, I have the scars to prove it, so why is he texting me?

Y/N: I told you to never contact me again.

Damian: I know, but I just couldn't resist the thought of your pretty face.

Y/N: Then why don't you resist it for a little more? Preferably till you're dead.

Damian: Feeling spicy today?

Sun turns to me, "Sunshine? Is everything alright?" He asked, his concern evident.

I turn to him, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

His expression hardens, "Sunshine, please don't lie to me."

"Fine, you remember Damian?" I say with a sigh, and watch closely as Sun's serious expression turns to anger, "That son of a bitch?" I was taken aback, Sun NEVER swore, he must be really pissed, just at the mention of my ex's name.

"Y-yes..." I say, if Sun was mad enough to swear just by hearing his name, how would he react knowing he had contacted me?

"He- Um- Got my number..." Sun's whole body tenses up, and somehow he looks even more furious, "And he wants to know where I am..."

Sun immediately gets up, and walks over to me, "Then tell him. Let him come here, allow him to get his face reformed."

"Sun! You can't attack someone unless they're an active threat! You know this!"

He crosses his arms, "He is an active threat, and the moment he steps in the daycare, I have full authorization to terminate him."

I sigh, these two are so stubborn.

"Sun-" he snatches the phone from my hand, and begins furiously typing, I try and take it back, but I'm too short.

Eventually he hands it back to me, and I read what he typed out.

Y/N: I'm at my new job, at the Pizzaplex daycare. If you think I'm so pretty, why don't you pay me a visit?

I look up at him, "What did you do...?" He doesn't make eye contact, "Well, what I'm about to do, is make sure that bitch learns his lesson, and never contacts you again."

Sun/Moon x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now