Love at First Sight

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There was a moment of awkward silence, as me and Moon both turned away from each other, our gazes met the ground. 

Moon's face looked red, and I could only assume that I looked like a tomato. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Damian trying to stand, "Um, Moon?"

He looks to where I'm pointing, "Yeah- Um- I'll deal with it."

He walks over to Damian, and picks him up by the back of his shirt.

"Hey! Put me down you hunk a junk!" He screams, his legs and arms flailing about as he tries to attack Moon

Moon walks out of the daycare, and I run to catch up. 

Damian was still punching the air when Moon threw him out the main entrance. 

"And stay out." He said, placing his hands on his hips.

He then turns to me, "We- We should get back to the daycare- Um- It's almost opening time..." He says, his voice trailing off.

"I- Yeah, lets go."

We walk in silence, I can't believe I did that, I'm such an idiot. What if he didn't feel the same way about me? What if I just ruined our friendship?

As we enter the daycare, the silence weighs heavy on my shoulders.

"Starlight..." Moon looks at me, his hand on the lightswitch.

He squats down, pulls my face closer to his, and kisses me on the lips.

The two of the had been updated to have moving facial features, mouths that open, and lips, so they could make funny faces for the kids, but right now, he was using them for a complete different purpose.

I kissed him back, and it felt like forever before he released my lips from his.

As he stood, I could see the crimson red of his cheeks, and I could feel myself blushing as well.

He then quickly flips on the lights, and leaves me with a very flustered Sunny.

"I- um- we-" Sunny began, fidgeting with the bells on his wrist.

"Sunny, it's ok." I say, grabbing his hands.

He looks down at me, "Moon is screaming at himself right now."

I laugh, and completely ignore that comment.

"Don't you think you deserve a little love too?" I ask, his whole face turning a deep crimson red.

"well- um..." He looks away.

I pull over a chair, and stand atop it, pulling his faceplate down to eye level.

I give him a small peck on the cheek, and his whole face immediately flusters.

"Sunshine! No- Um..." His voice trails off, as he runs away, "I have to go do something!"

I laugh, and get down from the chair.

Eventually, maybe twenty minutes later, Sun comes back. I was in the middle of cleaning one of the slides.

I can hear him approaching me from behind, but pretend not to notice.

Then, I'm lifted off the ground, "Sun-!" I say, but I'm cut off, as he gives me a small peck on the cheek before slinging me over his shoulder.

"Sunny!" I yell, while laughing.

"Yes Sunshine?"He asked, pretending to be oblivious.

"Put me down!" I say, playfully beating my fists against his back.

Sun/Moon x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now