The Rabbit

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As I re-enter the daycare, Sun and Moon rush up to me, "Are you ok?" Did anything happen?" They take turns fussing over me, I found this cute, in a way.

"Guys, guys, I promise I'm fine." I say, setting the box on the security desk.

Neither of them look convinced, "If you say so Sunshine." Sun says while fidgeting with the bells on his wrists.

I chuckle, and begin getting ready for the day.

Then, I realize I haven't done anything to get myself ready, I rushed over here in the middle of the night, I need to take my meds, I need to do my hair, I need to get dressed, brush my teeth, god, I need to eat.

"Do you guys have a spare uniform? I left mine at home." I say, hanging my head.

"Of course! I'll go get it, and I'm sure we have the rest of the things you need." Sun says while skipping off.

"I already know your morning routine, I'll go get everything else." Moon says, walking off.

"Thank you..." I mutter, he probably couldn't hear me.

I sit down in my swivel seat, and the feeling of unease from earlier returns.

The kitchen lights are off, and it looks like there's a pair of red eyes, like the ones I saw earlier, staring at me.

Just then, I hear Sun returning, and the eyes disappear.

"Sunshine? Are you ok? You seem anxious, what are you staring at?"

He asked, looking into the kitchen.

"I- um- Nothing, nothing." I say, quickly looking away, was that just my mind playing tricks on me, or was there really someone there?

"Oh, well, I got you your uniform!" Sun hands me a pile of clothes. 

Just then, Moon comes back, and places a box full of necessities on the desk. "We don't have your anxiety medication, but this is everything else." He says, probably sensing the tension in the room.

"I'll, um, go make you some breakfast, Sunshine!" Sun says, skipping off towards the kitchen, right where I saw the eyes.

If Sun doesn't see anyone in there while he's cooking, then no one is there, and it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

"Starlight? Are you ok?" Moon asked, leaning on the desk.

"Yeah! Yeah... I'm fine, don't worry about me!" I say with a nervous laugh.

"If you say so..." Moon then joins Sun in the kitchen.

I pick up my uniform, and go to the bathroom to get changed.

The shirt felt a little more, restricting, than before.

I look at myself in the mirror, I think that this uniform is just a tad bit too small, why do I think that? My thighs, ass, and boobs looked bigger than ever.

It was probably just what they had on sight, not like everything here is my size.

I walk back to the desk, and begin doing my hair, when I was done with that, I brushed my teeth.

I was sitting at the desk, when Moon poked his head out of the kitchen, "Y/N, come on, we made you something to eat."

I get up and walk over, my breasts bouncing with every step.

As I enter the kitchen, the smell of fresh cooked eggs, bacon, french toast, and sausage fills my senses.

Moon's eyes immediately gravitate to my chest, I could tell he was trying not to stare.

I take a seat at the island, and Sun passes me a plate, the source of all the wonderful smells.

He then passes me a glass of orange juice.

I sit down, and take small bites, I wanted to wolf it down, but I knew I would get a lecture about eating slowly and not choking.

Once I was done, I stood, and took my cleaned plate and empty glass to the sink, and was about to go back to the security desk when, "Moon- Hey!" I was lifted off the ground by Moon.

He placed me on the island, "Starlight, you've been sending my systems into a frenzy with how high strung you are, is there something your not telling us?"

Sun stands behind Moon, his expression one of worry.

"No, why would I need to lie to you? There's nothing that I've been keeping secret."

Moon's eyes narrow, "You're lying." Shit, I forgot that they can identify when someone is lying or not.

"Please, Sunshine, what's wrong?" Sun steps out from behind Moon.

I sigh, accepting defeat. "When I was leaving the underground area, I saw a pair of red eyes, watching me. I just thought it was my imagination, but earlier, when the kitchen light was off, I saw them in here, and I'm scared."

Sun and Moon's expressions change from worry to dread.

Moon grabs my shoulder, "Starlight, anything with red or purple eyes, unless we give the ok, never EVER be within throwing range of."

This sent shivers down my spine, "W-why?"

"Because, they are dangerous individuals, and will have no mercy." Sun says, his expression solem.

I don't question their words, and don't pry for more information. I trust them, and if they think it's best that I don't go near people with certain eye colors, then I won't.

"Ok, I trust you guys."

Sun and Moon nod, and Moon helps me off the island.

The two of them walk me back to the security desk, and Moon pulls over my seat, "Sit, and don't leave this area." 

I sit down, and the two of them begin opening the daycare.

As the kids flood in, the once quiet daycare is filled with the sounds of children's laughter and playing.

I was beginning to relax, the tension that had taken over my body was dissipating, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw it.

Two big red eyes, staring at me from a storage closet.

"M-Moon?" I call, never taking my eyes off of the small room.

Moon walks over, "Yes Starlight?"

I point to the closet, where the eyes are still fixated on me.

He looks over, and grabs my hand. "I think that you may need to stay with me and Sun, come along, Starlight."

Moon leads me to where Sun was, and whispers something in his ear, Sun's face drops, but he quickly recovers and places back on a smile, Moon gives Sun my hand, and I stick with him for the rest of the day.

Every now and then I would see the eyes in a dark corner or room, and would point it out to either Sun or Moon, and they would lead me away, far away.

As the last kid leaves the daycare, Sun and Moon literally beg for me to stay, but unfortunately I have to go home, I couldn't wait to snuggle under the covers of my warm bed.

"At least let us walk you to the main entrance." Moon says, taking my hand.

"Fine, you can walk me to the main entrance." 

As the three of us walk, there was complete silence, and the only sounds are Sun and Moon's bells, and our footsteps.

When we reach the doors, I wave goodnight, "Night Sun! Night Moon!"

"Goodnight Y/N." They say in union.

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