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As I pull into my driveway, I sigh, today was something to be cherished.

I pull out my phone, a cautiously dial my mother's number, wanting to tell her about my experience from today, it rings a few times, then goes dead.

I sigh, typical.

I get out and lock my car. Then unlock my front door, locking it behind me.

Home sweet home.

I throw my stuff on the couch, and head to the kitchen, and begin to boil some water.

I was still exhausted, despite my very long nap.

I rummage through the pantry until I find my instant ramen, I'm feeling lazy tonight.

As I stir the softening noodles, I think of my interaction with Moon, the way he wrapped his legs around me, the way he ran his fingers through my hair, how my face was buried in his lower chest...

I shake my head, what was I thinking? 

This is Moon we're talking about, he would never have such feelings. 

It was just hormones making me think this way. Yeah, just hormones. My period must be starting soon. That's it! It's just my period messing with my head.

Plus, they were daycare attendants, they took care of children. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even know what sex was!

I empty the cooked ramen into a bowl, and sprinkle on the seasoning.

Taking my makeshift dinner to the couch, I sit down and turn on the TV.

I end up falling asleep to some true crime documentary.

The Morning

I awake to my alarm once again, the TV had powered itself down, and there lay an empty ramen bowl in my lap.

I sigh, and take the bowl to my crowded sink, I was too lazy to do the dishes.

I go to my room to pick out a nice black Nirvana shirt, a black hoodie, and some baggy jeans. I then proceed to do my hair, brush my teeth, and make a small breakfast, nothing special, just some Cheerios. I change my socks, slip on some shoes, grab my things, and head out the door.

I hope I'm not late again.

(Sorry this one is so short, I needed a break from the drama, I'll try to make the other parts lenghty though)

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