That Golden Girl Excerpt

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Read ahead for a short passage from the sequel to TBEB, That Golden Girl!  It follows the lives of Amora Morris and Fletcher Hampton, her pushy, argumentative, broody and sexy  one-that-got-away. 


"Fletchy, I don't want you to go home," Lila sniffles as I sit on the side of her bed and tuck her in later that night. "I like knowing we're under the same roof and you're here to keep me safe – no offense, Amora."

Lila's eyes dart worriedly towards where Amora is leaning against the doorjamb in a silky pair of pajamas that have me testing my willpower. She shrugs at the offhand comment, and gives Lila a soft smile that reassures her that everything is okay.

"Well, where do you suggest I sleep, Monkey?" I laugh, fully expecting her to pat the bed beside her and insist I sleep right next to her.

The words that come out of her mouth instead shock me.

"With Amora."

It was a matter-of-fact statement that has me at a complete loss for words. Like, I really can't even form a sentence, I'm so surprised.

"Our mom and dad used to sleep together when they loved each other, Fletchy. Isn't that what two people who love each other are supposed to do?"

Oh, the innocence in her question. The truth in her words.

"Sweetheart," I mumble, brushing back her hair and doing everything in my power to avoid Amora's gaze. "I promise I'll be here when you wake up."

I lean down and kiss her forehead before tugging her blankets up to her chin and pulling the lamp string beside her bed to ensconce the room in blackness. The only light comes from the hallway, where Amora is standing and holding out her hand to me. Like a beacon, I'm drawn to her. When my hand fully grasps hers and I walk through the doorway, Amora pulls the door shut and leads me down the hallway and up the main flight of stairs. She doesn't say a word as she pauses by a door, gazes up at me with eyes that are promising me everything, and pushes the door open. 


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