EPILOGUE - Something Blue

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POV: 3rd Person

"Stella, are you ready yet?" Beau impatiently calls from where he's tapping his foot on the hardwood floor of the kitchen as he waits for his beautiful Stella. Beau's smile widens even further than it already was stretched as his almost 3-year old daughter toddles into the room in her pretty pink tutu dress dragging her favorite purple blanket behind her.

"Dada, Momma's a princess!" She giggles, throwing her arms up to signal she wants Beau to pick her up. He reaches down and tosses his daughter in the air, spinning her in a circle before tucking her against his side.

"Momma's always a princess, darling." Beau grins at his daughter, and promptly follows her finger as soon as she points at the doorway that Stella is emerging from. It's been almost 7 years since Beau met Stella in that airport, and she's still as breathtaking as she was that first day.

Beau's jaw is still dragging the ground when Stella saunters toward him in her pale purple wrap dress and 3-inch chunky heels. "I'm pretty sure I said not-too-fancy, Stel." Beau murmurs after Stella has closed his jaw for him and kissed his cheek before kissing Amora's.

"I'm pretty sure I can wear whatever I want to." Stella grins, causing Beau to roll his eyes and lean in for a kiss.

"Well, I guess I'm not going to complain, because I could look at you all night. Was this the dress you wore the night I asked you to marry me?" Beau asks, softly grabbing a fistful of the dress's material as he remembers that night on the way home from Gemma and Fernando's wedding.

"Beau, this place is gorgeous." Stella sighs as she pulls her jacket closer around her shoulders and leans into Beau's side. "I'm glad they decided to do the wedding in December. That way we get to see Central Park with all of its Christmas lights up."

"You would have been happy if they'd have had the wedding in a trashy trailer in the middle of the Sahara in the dead of summer." Beau wraps his arm tighter around Stella's shoulders as he shoves his other hand into the pocket of his jacket, making sure the little ring is still there. He was planning on asking before the wedding, but just couldn't bring himself to ruin Gemma's day for either her or Stella, and this worked out perfectly.

"Well, she is my best friend and she and Fernando are perfect together. I'm just glad they didn't elope like they'd joked about." Stella laughs, glancing up into the handsome face of the man she hopes to marry someday. The man who is the father of her beautiful 2-year old daughter who is back home in Georgia with her grandmother and Jack.

The two stroll through Central Park pointing at the wildlife that stop and stare at them, and watching all of the beautiful holiday lights twinkling in the trees and on the buildings surrounding the park. Almost unnoticed to the both of them, the two stop walking in front of a path leading into a row of trees lit up by solid white Christmas lights surrounded by the freshly fallen snow.

It's now or never. Beau thinks to himself, clutching the ring tightly in his fist as he rubs his palm down Stella's arm and glances down at her beautiful face as she takes in the beautiful scene before her.

"Stel..." Beau sighs, slightly turning her to face him.

"Yeah?" She asks, allowing Beau to see the lights sparkle in her eyes.

Beau takes a deep breath and sinks to his left knee, producing the simple gold engagement ring that has a single round stone in a rounded diamond setting. "Stella, I've loved you since the moment I first saw you in that airport. We've had our ups and downs, but I wouldn't want to fight and make up with anyone else. I love you. I love our daughter. I love our life together. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Stella Jo Hawkley, will you marry me?"

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