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I didn't mean to actually touch him when I went to stop him from heading up to the loft, but as soon as my fingers touched his skin I nearly lost my supper. I've never been nervous in front of a guy before, and it felt foreign to me when my voice came out an octave higher and softer than it usually is. I'm just lucky he agreed – not that I in any way meant for this to be a date. It just so happens that I don't like being alone in my house after dark. I know, it's childish, but it's something that started when I was little and has stuck with me ever since. I'm not afraid of the dark in the least, and I've never been able to figure out why I don't like being alone in my house after dark. I can be alone in the barn, or alone in a vehicle, or alone anywhere else besides my house. It's weird, I know.

Beau and I are curled up on the couch watching Grown Ups when Dad's lights flash through the window blinds. Normally I'd move from my position of resting my head on his lap, but his arm is draped across my stomach, and I'm almost a hundred percent sure he's asleep because he hasn't laughed at anything for a while. I don't want to wake him though, so I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep when Dad comes inside. Through my eyelashes I see him give us a weak smile before grabbing a blanket and draping it over me. I'm a little surprised he wasn't more surprised, but then again he knows I don't like being alone here after dark. Plus, it's not like we're in my bed or anything.

He also turns the TV off, and I'm a little upset, but then realize how hard it is to open my eyes after I've shut them, so I decide to just stay here. I grab the blanket and pull it closer over my shoulder while I hear Dad taking his supper out of the oven and sit down at the table. Beau shifts under me and his hand tightens around my waist, pulling me closer. I can't even begin to describe how right this actually feels – sleeping beside/on him. I wait until I hear Dad put his plate in the sink and head to bed to move to a more comfortable position – instead of using the part of his thigh closer to his knee as my pillow, I shift my head back so I'm using the comfier part.

There, I fall asleep and don't wake up until I hear Beau's alarm on his phone and him shifting under me – along with several muttered profanities – and he finally tries to gently move my head from where it was resting on his thigh. "Sorry, Stella." He murmurs when he replaces his leg with a pillow.

"What time is it?" I ask, rolling onto my back and peeking my eyes open at him.

"6:30; go back to sleep." He replies, heading over to the door to put his boots back on.

"Business doesn't start around here until 7. Why are you up so early?" I ask, sitting up and yawning.

"Figured I'd better start early since I slept in yesterday. Tell your dad I'll feed the cattle today." Beau answers, and opens the door. I yawn and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I let the hot water wake me up before I shave my legs and admire the baby pink pedicure I got in Panama before I came home.

"Honey, you're up early. Are you okay?" Dad asks, softly knocking on the bathroom door after I'm out of the shower and staring at my reflection.

"Yeah. Beau woke me up. He said he'll feed the cattle today if you want him to." I answer, heading to open the door.

"Okay, I was planning on putting a new bag of mineral in each pasture and he's never done that before. Do you have plans this morning?" Dad asks, heading to the kitchen while I go to my room and pull on a pair of jean shorts and another tank top.

"I was going to go see Auntie this morning, but I can wait until this afternoon." I holler through the walls of my room.

"I bet Auntie will love to see you." Dad says as soon as I enter the kitchen.

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