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"Dad, that doesn't go there!" I groan at my father when he puts a box on the kitchen counter. "It's labeled 'bathroom' for a reason!"

Dad huffs and glares at me as he grabs the box and heads through the bedroom into the en-suite bathroom. I turn my glare on Beau, who has been watching my little episode with Dad, and I grab his waist and push him out the door in front of me so he can grab more boxes. Gemma's car got a flat tire on her way up here, so we're stuck unloading this trailer all by ourselves, even though most of it is mine.

"You're getting bossy and it's kinda hot." Beau teases when I hand him a kitchen box and tell him to wait so I can stack another one on top.

"Not the time, Beau." I grumble, annoyed because I woke up with a crick in my back from sleeping on an uncomfortable dock, and for some god forsaken reason, I decided to ruin my favorite matching bra and panty set last night. I hadn't even been drinking, either, when I decided I wanted to skinny dip.

"That side isn't hot." He mutters, carrying my two piled boxes into the house as Dad emerges.

"Honey, you have too much shit. And I mean that in the most loving way." Dad sighs as he takes in the ¾ of the trailer that we still have to unpack. Most of the stuff at the front is all of Gemma's stuff though, and the middle part is our couch and dining room table that we managed to scrounge up enough money to buy, along with a washer and dryer that should be delivered to the house tomorrow.

"I only have too many clothes. Other than that, I only have a few pairs of shoes, and the rest of the stuff in the kitchen and bathroom stuff that I need." I shrug, grabbing the last box of kitchen stuff that I couldn't stack onto Beau's pile.

"I'm pretty sure you don't need 4 different types of hairspray." Beau chuckles, coming back out the door. "Or 2 different brands of shampoo and conditioner in your shower at all times."

"Shut up. I didn't ask to have to share a bathroom with you, so you're not allowed to judge what I have in there and what I don't. It was my bathroom first." I stick my tongue out at my boyfriend, who returns the gesture while grabbing another box from me.

"You two are so childish." Dad chuckles, taking in our interaction. "It's a wonder you haven't killed each other already."

"Hey, if I had to share with Bryndle for all those years, I'm pretty sure I can deal with Beau's Old Spice shampoo in my shower. At least he doesn't hog the sink with the tons of makeup that Mom used to buy Bryn." I wink at Beau, who rolls his eyes and disappears into the house.

"Your mom did used to buy her a lot of makeup. But then again, she was the more girly of the two of you – still is actually." Dad smiles, and I hand him a box loaded down with my shorts before grabbing a box of t-shirts and tank tops.

"When's Gemma supposed to be here?" Beau asks, appearing in my closet where Dad and I are dropping our boxes.

"Soon. She said the guy who came and fixed her tire left about fifteen minutes ago, and she was about an hour out when she called." I shrug, sure she'll get her when she gets here. It's not like it's a huge deal to unpack her boxes.

"Okay, well, I'm going to go grab pizza for lunch since we haven't eaten since 7. I'll unhook the trailer and be back before you know it. Beau, what kind of pizza do you want?" Dad asks, heading towards the door.

"I'll eat whatever you bring. I'm not picky about my pizza." He answers, following him out the door to grab more boxes while I start hanging shirts up so they don't wrinkle too badly.

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