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Over the next week, Stella and I fall into a rhythm together. She brings me lunch every day that I'm stuck in a hay field, sometimes in a tractor, and sometimes on horseback. Supper is always ready and on the table when I practically crawl through the doors begging for a shower, except for the days when she's in the hay field with me. Then, she usually orders pizza and begs the place to deliver, promising that she'll pay extra for every mile they have to drive, or whips up more sandwiches. I don't look forward to those nights because a guy can only eat so many sandwiches before he's sick of them, and I've about reached my limit. Tomorrow is the 4th, and Mr. Hawkley has given me today and tomorrow off so I can help Stella set up her party at the lake. I didn't realize they owned a plot on the lake even though there isn't a house on it. Since it's supposed to rain a little next week, I finished baling what I had cut today, and am not planning on sitting in a tractor for at least a week. Thank god for rain. Bryndle is home from Panama; got here yesterday after Mr. Hawkley drove to Atlanta to pick her up. I've never seen a pair of sisters be so different, yet the same at the same time.

They both have long, blonde hair, but Bryndle has brown low-lights while Stella's is pure blonde. They both have long legs, but Stella pulls them off while Bryndle looks like a gangly pre-teen to me, probably because I'm a little biased toward Stella. They have similar laughs, but Stella's still makes my heart skip a beat, even after getting to know her over the last week. They both love their father, but Stella goes above and beyond in caring for him, even though he's a perfectly capable middle-aged man. From what I can tell, Bryndle has spent the entire day today inside watching TV. Stella has been everywhere getting ready for tomorrow, and she even found time to bake two batches of cookies: one chocolate chip and one no-bake. She smacked my hand when I snuck one of each, but she smiled the entire time she was glaring at me when I hurried out of her reach with the chocolate chip cookie in my mouth and no-bake in my hand. The fridge is also full of Jell-O salads, and there's a huge brisket thawing in one corner that Mr. Hawkley is supposed to smoke tomorrow. I can't tell you how excited I am for that one.

"Beau!" I hear Stella shriek my name from the bathroom, and I've never heard her voice sound so terrified. I abandon my mission to steal another cookie, and sprint down the hall to the bathroom where I push open the door to see Stella standing on the toilet pointing at a bath mat. "It's under there."

"I'm sure it's nothing." I reply, walking calmly over to the mat and bending down to pick it up.

"No! It'll come out if you pick it up!" She screeches again, and I wince before continuing to lift up a corner. "Ahh!" She screams when I uncover a tiny garter snake. I smile and pick the little guy up while Stella continues to scream at me to put the monstrosity outside. She finally steps down from the toilet as I carry the little snake out to the garden and let him go. "You better wash your hands, Mister." Stella glares from behind the counter when I walk back inside.

"I can't believe you're afraid of snakes." I chide, heading to the sink to wash my hands before she plops a bag of potatoes in front of me.

"I'm not scared of snakes when they're not IN MY BATHROOM. But, just for that comment, you're going to wash, peel, and cube every single one of those." She glares, getting out a paring knife and heading to the stove.

"What are these for?" I ask, leaning on my elbows on the sink while I wash the potatoes.

"Half of them are for stir-fry tonight, and half are for a potato salad for tomorrow." She answers, and starts browning some hamburger.

"Bryndle! Come here please!" She hollers into the living room at her sister, who is still watching TV.

"You're not Mom, Stella." Bryndle groans, glaring at her sister as she walks into the kitchen.

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