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"So what are you and Beau doing for Valentine's Day?" Gemma asks as she plops down onto the couch beside me where I'm currently binge watching The Office and trying to study my art appreciation textbook.

"I don't know – we haven't really talked about it." I shrug, glancing at the promise ring on my finger that hasn't moved from its spot since Christmas Eve. Honestly, it kind of freaks me out knowing how serious he is already. I'm barely 19 and never planned on getting married until I am at least out of college and have a steady career. "Since we went out and did a big birthday celebration together, I'm not expecting a big V-Day."

"But it's y'all's first Valentine's as a couple! You have to do something." She pesters, and I have a feeling she isn't going to leave me alone until I actually talk to her.

"What are you and Fernando doing? Is he flying back here since you seem to always go to New York for him?" I ask, closing my book, pausing my TV show, and giving my best friend my full attention.

That was enough to get her attention turned to her own boyfriend. "Yeah. He's coming down here for the weekend and we're just going to enjoy the weekend together."

"Ah, so that's why you want me and Beau out of the house. You want alone time with Fernando." I smack my forehead as I realize her plan. "I suppose I can go home and we can do something there."

"Oh, would you? That would be wonderful, Stel. It's just that it'll be the first time he'll be staying in our house, and I kinda wanna be alone with him. I mean, you and Beau get alone time here all the time." Gemma slightly pouts, and I pull my best friend in for a hug.

"Don't worry about it. I'm missing Zeus anyway." I smile, and seem to have satisfied her need for conversation, because she grabs the remote and resumes the episode while I go back to studying the renaissance.


"You're sure you want to come home and do something here?" Beau asks for the hundredth time in the last two days after I told him about my plan.

"Yeah. I mean, Gemma really wants the house to herself this weekend and I needed an excuse to come home and see Dad and Zeus. Win-win on all parts." I shrug as I'm gassing my Jeep up to head home. It's Thursday and my last class of the week just ended so I figured I'd go home early and spend a little time with Auntie if I can.

"Um, I'm pretty sure that you have an excuse to come home every weekend if you wanted to." He chuckles, and I sigh as the gas hose clicks.

"You're right. I'll see you in an hour and a half. Love you!" I call into the phone before hanging up and crawling into the driver's seat and glancing at the ring again.

Slapping my sunglasses on my face, I turn the Jeep southwest and head for home. It's nearly 6 when I pull in the driveway, and my dad is the first one to meet me outside before I can pull it into the garage. He pulls me out of the vehicle and into a bear hug because he hasn't seen me since winter break.

"Oh, I missed you so much, Pumpkin." He cries, finally putting me back on the ground and just looking at me as if I've changed a lot in a month.

"I missed you too, Dad." I sigh, hugging his waist again. Gosh, I didn't realize how much I missed his hugs.

"How's 19 treating you?" He asks, grabbing my bag out of the backseat and slinging it over his shoulder as he leads me inside.

"My joints are starting to creak with my old age." I joke, grabbing my elbow and pretending like it hurts.

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