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"So what's your favorite color?" I ask, shooting a sideways glance at the drop-dead gorgeous girl sitting in the passenger seat of my truck with her feet hooked up in the middle seat between us.

"Have you not seen my tack? Purple, duh." She replies, giving me an 'are-you-kidding-me' look, that literally boils my blood.

"Alright fair enough, I suppose." I answer, taking my hands off the wheel and holding them up in surrender.

"Keep your hands on the wheel, you idiot!" Stella shrieks, reaching for the steering wheel, but I ward her hands off with a laugh while I grab the wheel back.

"No calling me names while you're in my truck. It's your turn to ask me a question." I tell her, trying not to look at her perfectly tanned, long legs.

"If you could be any character from the books, not the movies, Harry Potter, who would you be?" She asks, assuming I've read the books. I have.

"McGonagall, easily. The movies really didn't do her wit and charm justice. She has some crazy sass in the books." I laugh, and Stella quickly agrees.

"They did the same thing with Harry Potter! He was so lazy and so fast with crazy good comebacks in the books! I wish they wouldn't have cut out some of his best lines in the book. And Ginny! Don't even get me started on how dumb the movies made Ginny seem." She starts blabbering about how bad the movies are compared to the actual books, and for some reason it makes me smile – and makes her even hotter somehow.

I actually have to interrupt her to get her to stop talking. "I didn't peg you for a Harry Potter fan, Stella."

"I could say the same thing about you." She replies, laughing and finally shutting up about the books.

"If you could time travel, when would you go and why?"

"It depends. Can I change the past or future?" She asks, studying me.

"No." I answer automatically.

"Well then I'd want to go back to the early 1800's when white settlers were still moving across the United States in covered wagons. I'd want to meet my great, great, great grandparents and see how they survived." Stella decides after thinking about it for a few miles.

"Why?" I ask, seriously curious.

"I don't know. I always thought I was born in the wrong century. I love reading about the history of the settlers, especially diaries of young girls who were my age who traveled thousands of miles on horseback, just to find a new place to live." She shrugs, and I was not expecting her to get this deep. I figured maybe she'd say something like getting to see how her parents first met or going to see who she'll end up marrying or meeting her children.

"That's incredible." I tell her, completely aw-struck.

This girl is gorgeous, nerdy, funny, and doesn't seem to be too shy about anything. Hell, I've known her for two hours and she's already got me wrapped around her pretty little manicured finger. Her perfect laugh actually makes my heart skip a beat when it's directed at something I said, and I pretty much had a heart attack when she pointed out that the waitress was practically bending over backwards for me to give her even half of a glance. I couldn't bring myself to tell Stella that I'm probably never going to be able to look at another girl besides her for the rest of my life.

"Okay. Oh! I've got a really good question. Are you ready?" She asks, and I nod. "If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could only have three things with you, and no, one of them can't be a boat of any kind, what would you take with you?"

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