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"Stella, have you started that piece we talked about the other day?" Kristin asks, walking into my studio. I'm currently in the middle of smashing a wobbly vase that I'll never be able to trim when I glance up at my mentor.

"No. I've been trying to figure out the best way to start it, because I can't figure out if I should build it in pieces and put it together or just work from the bottom up. Instead, I've been working on pieces for the gallery next month, but that's not working for me right now either." I grumble to Kristin as I dump the four pounds of clay in the reclaim and grab another pug of clay to wedge into different sized balls.

"You'll figure it out. Remember, if you need a break you're more than welcome to take the day off. The quality of your work is what we really need." She smiles, and heads out of the room while I sit back down at my wheel and stare at the drawing of my sculpture piece I need to start while I'm centering an 8-pound hunk of clay that I'm planning on turning into a plate, hopefully.

The sculpture is supposed to be a miniature replica of Zeus. I have a picture of him prancing in the paddock with the wind blowing his long mane posted beside my hand drawn design, and I start missing my pony.

Summer was super awkward with how things ended between me and Beau, but he spent a month of it with Gunnar and his mom in Florida. As much as I hated doing all of his work for him that month, it was nice to not have to see him every day. Plus, it gave me time to hang out with my friends without him showing up and having to rescue me.

Once I have my hunk of clay centered, I dive in to opening and pulling the sides out and up, until I'm satisfied that I'll have a nice sized platter that I can carve into later. Then, I lay the sides down and create the serving surface before trimming and pulling the bat off the wheel once I'm done. I take one of the smaller hunks and secure another bat to the wheel to try another vase, now that I have one successful piece.

"Stella, you have to stop forgetting to eat." Gemma groans as she drops a bag of fast food on my work table. I glance at the clock and realize that it's nearly 7. I've been in my studio for 10 hours without eating anything. I didn't even stop for lunch.

"Thanks." I mumble, grabbing the burger out of the bag and digging in. "This is why we're friends."

"I like this new piece. It's huge!" Gemma gasps, glancing at one of Zeus's legs that I'm currently constructing. I already have the other three built and drying over to the side, and the leg I'm working on now is the bent one that won't be touching the ground. It's been a bitch to get the proportions right on, but I'm finally smoothing out the hoof area. Once they're all dry enough that I can carve into them, I'll go back through and shape and trim and make the legs more realistic, but that won't be for another couple of days. I don't want them drying out too fast or else they'll crack and I won't be able to do anything else to them.

"It should stand about three feet tall when I'm done. Here's the design." I shrug, pushing the picture of Zeus to her so she can see it while I finish off my burger.

"You're so artistic. I can't wait to see what it's going to look like when you're done." She sighs, and I smile and grab some fries.

"As soon as I'm done with this leg I'll be home. You don't have to stay here any longer." I laugh, knowing my best friend probably has a shit ton of homework she needs to do.

"Don't stay too late my love!" She calls as she's headed back out the building. I laugh at my best friend and hurry and finish the leg before covering all four of the up with plastic and putting a fragile sign over them before going to wash my hands and arms and legs that are covered in clay.

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