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 "Hey Stel, what are you doing tonight?" Connor asks, swinging by my studio while I'm finishing a vase set on the wheel. I haven't seen much of him lately because he's been putting in countless hours with a relative of a "Victorian Royal" as she calls herself who wanted her picture painted like they used to, and set her sights on Connor after seeing his work in our student show a few weeks ago. There are only a couple more weeks before our first year of college is over, but that means the big showcase that we've both been working extremely hard for. Connor is hoping that this chick will let him use her portrait as his main focus, and I have a set of animal hybrid figurines I'm planning on putting in.

"I was planning on going home and cooking some chicken and binge watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Why what's up?" I ask, wiping the palms of my hands free from clay so I can twist the last vase off the bat before I clean up and head home.

"Well, I'm kind of meeting this guy tonight and I haven't ever met him before and I don't want to go alone because, well, you know how things go with online dating, and you're so good with people I thought maybe you'd come with me until I get comfortable maybe?" Connor babbles, coming into the room and throwing his expensive jacket across my canvas table before throwing himself into one of my chairs and pouting. Connor may be one of the best looking, most confident guys I know, but when it comes to dating – he's a bit of shy guy.

"Of course! I don't think Beau's coming up this weekend, so I wouldn't miss making sure this guy is totally worth my best friend's time." I grin, slapping his shoulder after depositing my fourth vase on my shelf to dry, along with the new finished pieces I have for the next showcase. It's a set of porcelain, original animal hybrid figurines that I've probably spent 20 hours' hand painting individually – not to mention the hours of building, drying, and carving that was put into them to make sure they wouldn't explode in the kiln. They're my favorite pieces I've done so far, and I can't wait to see what kind of price tag I can put on them for the sale. I glance at my wheel that hasn't been cleaned since the mandatory cleaning before Spring Break, and shrug, pulling Connor out of my studio and closing and locking the door behind us. "So where are y'all meeting?"

"We decided to meet at Carlisle's so it's a public place, but I'm still nervous. You know how I get before dates, and I think I might really like this guy." Connor babbles some more as we walk to my Jeep.

"Connor, I hate to be the barer of bad news, but you're like this before every date. We've got to figure out how to make you more confident!" I exclaim, running my shoulder into his.

"I know I am, it's just... It took my parents a really long time to come around to the idea of me dating guys, so I never had a support system when I was younger and now that they're supportive I don't know what I'm really doing." He frets, and when we climb into my Jeep I rub his shoulder. "Thanks for accepting me as me, Stella."

"Of course, Connor! I don't know what I'd do without you!" I sigh, and drive him back to the apartment he lives in alone. "Now tell me what you know about this guy."

"Uh, this guy's name is Andrew and I don't really know much else about him besides he's a swimmer and he tells a lot of jokes."

"Alright, so what have you guys talked about? I mean, you've actually talked to him, haven't you?"

"Well, yeah, but I was so nervous that I basically just mumbled 'yeah' every few seconds while I was trying to figure out what you would say if you were having the conversation!" Connor cries, rubbing his head in frustration.

"Aw, really? That's so sweet!" I grin, before remembering that we have a small crisis situation on our hands. "But okay, let's go get ready for your date!"

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