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I'm in the barn when I hear the Jeep's tires crunching on gravel in the driveway. It's the beginning of June and I was not prepared when Stella called and said she was coming home for the summer. She's been home a few times here and there over the year and a half since John died, but never for more than a couple of days at a time. Last summer she went to Italy with Gemma for the majority of it, and then spent the rest of it working at a summer residency for her ceramics, leaving me to deal with the farm. I couldn't believe it when I heard my name read as part of John's will, leaving me part of his farm to share with his two daughters. I have never felt more loved and accepted as I did when my name was read, even though it meant I would have to deal with Stella until one of us decides to sell.

I've managed to keep her out of my head lately, but I think it just has more to do with the amount of practice I've had, and not the dog that I bought to replace her. Reece is just a puppy, but I can already tell she's going to be a good cow dog. Plus, she makes good company.

After I got Stella's phone call last week, I spent the next few days cleaning the small mess I'd turned her house into. Since she wasn't living there anymore, I moved into the guest room full time and out of my loft. As much as I loved that place, I was sick of having to keep extra blankets at the foot of my bed. Plus, being next door to a bathroom is extremely nice, and I don't constantly smell like horses anymore. I just didn't want Stella to see how much of a guy I actually am, so I put a little effort into the dishes and vacuuming. Reece sheds a lot, but she's a damn good dog to have around the farm for company, although I feel like I'm constantly having a one-sided conversation.

I turn and watch the Jeep pull into the garage, and have to remind myself that she isn't mine anymore. I have no right to her anymore, and it breaks my heart. I lost her a long time ago, and I regret letting her go every day. Especially when I have to see her pictures scattered around the house, and her horse feeling betrayed in the barn. Speaking of Zeus, that's going to be my ice breaker right now.

I march through the green grass of the lawn, and push open the front door, my eyes immediately locking on Stella, who freezes and stares back at me.

"Look, I know you're mad at me, and I know we don't get a long anymore, but you have a horse outside who misses you like crazy. So before you go and do anything else, I suggest you better go see him." I state, staring levelly at her despite how hard my heart is actually pounding.

Stella lowers her eyes and nods at me, brushing past me without saying a word. I watch from the doorway as she leads her gelding out of the barn and hops on him bareback without a bridle or halter, and walks him around the yard like she hasn't been absent from his life for so long. It's so beautiful watching the two of them bend around the trees in the yard, and Stella throw her head back and arms out as Zeus breaks into a lope and they basically become one. I've never seen anything like the connection that girl has with her horse.

After I feel like I've stared at her for long enough, I turn back to the living room to see two bags waiting by the couch, so I go ahead and pull them into her bedroom before returning to the barn I was working on mucking stalls in. I've finished two by the time Stella returns with Zeus, and I have to force myself to keep working instead of staring at her. I can't believe I was ever stupid enough to let her go. I should have fought for her and not let my pride get in the way. I could only imagine where we'd be if I had.

Arms slip around my waist from behind, and at first I think I'm day dreaming. Then they squeeze, and I hear Stella sniffle behind me. "I'm sorry I'm such a difficult person, Beau." She whispers before letting go and allowing me to turn around so I can look at her. I didn't realize how much I actually missed being in her arms, though, so I can't do anything but tug her to my chest when I see tears falling down her cheeks.

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