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Happy 2018 y'all!


"Stella, this is crazy." I laugh as we're driving by the packed Myrtle beach.

"Yeah, but it's iconic. Plus, I bought a new bikini special for this trip." Stella whisper's in my ear so nobody else in the vehicle can hear her – not that they really care. Gemma's mom allowed us to take her SUV to South Carolina for Spring Break with all 6 of us piled in here.

I can't really tell if I like Stella's friend Connor or not yet, but Stella wasn't lying and the dude has some crazy good style and paired with looks like Dave Franco, I bet the dude has different girls every night. Power to him as long as one of them isn't Stel, but I doubt she'd have asked me to come on this trip if she was planning on hooking up with Franco over here. Gemma's friend Macy might go for him though – considering the looks she's giving him that I'm afraid she's going to jump him and strip his clothes off while we're still in the vehicle.

"I can't wait to see it on you." I answer, softly pressing a kiss to her ear while I'm whispering in it. She shivers and rests her head back on my shoulder until Gemma finally Google's our hotel. Honestly, the hotel is within walking distance of the beach, and even though it isn't the Ritz, it's pretty nice.

"I have reservations under Gemma Simon." Gemma says when we walk into the hotel to check in. The lady behind the counter eyes the 6 of us, before looking up the name and glancing back up.

"Ma'am, you only have 1 room booked, and we only allow a maximum of 4 guests in one room. You'll have to book another one." She says, and Gemma frowns at the news.

"No, I know for sure I booked two rooms because they were both 2 queens."

"I'm sorry, I only have 1 room reservation for Gemma Simon."

"Gemma, it's okay. I'll buy the other one." I interrupt Stella's best friend before she has the chance to open her mouth an argue again. Stella seems a little surprised, but doesn't argue when I lightly push Gemma out of the way and pull my debit card out of my wallet. It's had almost a year of pay checks going into my account, and the only thing I really spend it on is gas and food when I go to Stella's. Besides the promise ring which cost a little over 1month's paycheck, I haven't bought anything big and I don't have any payments anymore. This'll be nice actually. Stella and I haven't really had much time to ourselves since Valentine's weekend, and I'd like to make this trip something special for us if I could – so long as Connor isn't planning on rooming with us.

"2 queens or 1?" She asks, and I glance around at the group, my gaze specifically landing on Connor.

"Hey man, I've already paid Gemma to share her room, you and Stel can have it." He chuckles, raising his hands in surrender once he realizes what my almost glare is for.

"1 queen it is, then." I answer, turning back to the lady and handing her my card. She runs it, and then hands out room keys. Gemma and her gang are on the 3rd floor, and Stella and I are on the 2nd. I guess that's just how this hotel is set up with the different types of rooms.

"Hey, let's get ready to head to the beach and then we can walk from here. Meet in the lobby at 3?" Gemma asks, holding the elevator open while Stella and I get off with our bag.

"Sounds perfect." She grins, and Gemma finally lets the door close while I figure out where our room is.

"Beau, can you believe this is our first night staying in a hotel together?" Stella asks, causing me to stumble and fumble with the room key as I'm trying to slide it in the lock when she jumps on my back.

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