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I lay awake on my sleeping bag that is stretched out across the floor of my loft, listening to the sound of Stella's light breathing. Tonight started out as a fun night out with my best friend, but turned into a rescue mission for Stella. Had I not known a girl in college who was roofied, I would have never known the signals or the smell it leaves behind. I keep replaying the night in my mind, watching Stella make out with that creep who ended up drugging her, to holding her hair while she vomited most of the drugs out of her system. By the time we were home I think she was pretty much back to normal, though she still couldn't walk on her own. I know her dad would absolutely kill me if he knew she was up here with me, but I also don't want to be the one to explain to him that his daughter was drugged at a party. Hey, at least I'm sleeping on the floor, right? I stare at the ceiling while willing the sound of Stella's breathing to lull me to sleep. It never works. When I start to see the first hints of daylight through the loft shutters, I sit up on my elbow and shake Stella's shoulder to wake her up. Oh, how I hope she's better after a few hours of sleep.

"Stella, you need to get to your own bed." I yawn, shaking her until her eyes blink open.

"What time is it?" She asks, rolling over and staring down at me. "And how the hell did I get here? Did you sleep on the floor?"

"It's time for you to get inside and catch a few hours of sleep in your own bed. Do you remember anything about last night?" I ask, dropping my shoulders and head back to the sleeping bag.

"I remember going to the bonfire and dancing with Casey and Joe." Stella says, squinting her eyes at me. Well, at least her voice isn't still slurred.

"What's the last thing you remember?" I ask.

"Um, I remember you showing up when Joe went to get me a beer and telling Joe I wasn't going to have sex with him." She answers, and I close my eyes, trying to push back the urge I just got to smash his face in.

"That the last thing?" I ask, and she nods.

"But I bet you're going to tell me how I ended up in your bed." Stella guesses, and I fill her in on the hour she missed out on. "I can't believe Joe would do something like that. I've known him since the 2nd grade!"

"Come on, Stella. Your dad's going to figure out you didn't sleep in your bed last night if he wakes up to find the Jeep in the driveway and you not in your bed." I try to reason with her before she finally yawns and crawls out of bed.

"Damn, my head hurts." She winces when she stands up, and I stand up too, just in case I have to catch her again.

"Take a few Advil when you get inside and drink an entire glass of water. Then go back to sleep." I tell her, following her down the stairs to make sure she makes it down okay. I watch from the barn with my arms crossed across my chest as she slowly walks across the driveway to the house before sneaking through the window to her room, most likely to keep the front door from squeaking. Once she's safely inside, I turn and climb the stairs back up to my loft and crawl into my bed – that smells sinfully of Stella – to catch a few hours of sleep, hopefully.

"Beau!" I wake up to hear the extremely angry voice of Mr. Hawkley at the base of the stairs. It takes me a few blinks to adjust to the sunlight streaming through the window, and I spring out of bed and shrug a shirt up my shoulders and hop down the stairs tugging my boots on.

"Yes sir, sorry sir." I apologize profusely as I start buttoning my work shirt while I start scooping morning feed for the horses.

"You alright, son? You're usually up before now." Mr. Hawkley asks, helping me feed the horses so we can get started on our day.

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