Chapter 14 - Resilience and Bonds

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Adishh pov.

Today, I have a consultation scheduled with Kiran, a remarkable young patient who has been battling a pancreatitis for 14 years. My connection with him runs deep; I took care of him for two challenging months in the hospitals has primary Doctor. Kiran's resilience and ever-present smile, despite the adversities of surgery and medication, have profoundly impacted me. His dream of becoming a doctor, driven by passion and duty, changed how I see our profession.

Three months post-discharge, Kiran is due for a follow-up and a crucial meeting with the esteemed Dr. Rajesh. The anticipation is palpable, as the outcome could potentially set the stage for his upcoming surgery in three months.

Arriving early at the hospital by 7:30 a.m., I met with Kiran's father, Mr. Srivastava, outside the consultation room. Our conversation, filled with updates on Kiran's progress and Mr. Srivastava.

"Hello sir, good morning." And he hug me, I embrace him with gentle and humbleness.

"How are you doing, Kiran?"

"I'm fine sir, how are you?"

"I'm fine dear."

He was 5ft, slim and cute, and the only thing I noticed in him is he lost his hair due to the medication.

"Good morning Dr. Adishh" Mr. and Mrs. Srivastava says.

"Good morning aunty and uncle, how are you both doing? How's everything at home? And we enter he consulting room.

In the consultation room there are 3 doctor, 1 senior and 2 junior and they were talking something before I entered.

"Dr. Adishh, what's the current status of Kiran? When can we proceed with the surgery?" Dr. Rajesh inquired.

"Although the pre-surgical preparations are complete, we need the patient and their family's moral and mental support. Therefore, I've arranged for a psychiatrist session," I explained.

"Dr. Niana will conduct the session."

"But I think it's necessary that you tell them about the complications that could arise. And the risks and the side effects as well."

"Of course, Sir, but we have to do it gradually."

And session begins.

"Hello Kiran, I'm Dr. Naina, and I will be conducting your therapy. So, shall we start?"


"You can ask any questions about the process and anything related to the proceed."

It lasted for 2 hours continues.

I explained him in detail about the process.

After the session was over, I took permission from my seniors to discuss something with the patient and the family.

After the session concluded, we decided to head to the canteen. It was there I encountered Adhya, who also shared a positive connection with Kiran.

"Hello Kiran," she greeted warmly.

"Hello Didi," Kiran responded, using the affectionate term for 'sister' in Hindi, indicating their close relationship.

They engaged in a brief conversation, exchanging a few words that underscored their bond. However, their interaction was cut short when Adhya received a phone call from Gowtham. It seemed to be regarding some urgent matter, as she excused herself and left shortly after taking the call.


After a long and busy day at the hospital, I returned home. Exhausted, I began reviewing the case report, determined that we must succeed in the operation, whether by hook or by crook. Just then, my phone buzzed with a notification. It was from Dr. Naina she have sent a case file.

Amidst everything, I realized I had forgotten to visit Adhya, who might be upset with me. Lost in these thoughts, I entered her apartment.

I was immediately met with the sound of her voice, loud and frustrated, as she spoke to Gowtham. "What the fuck! You cant just handle that minor issue, report it to Dr. Krishnan, and let me know. I'll redo it, but this is the last time, Gowtham!" she exclaimed, clearly at her wit's end.

she ended the call with a firm, "Sorry, can't fix things, Gowtham" before turning around to face me.

Upon seeing me, her frustration seemed to melt away. She rushed over and embraced me tightly. "Adi, I'm just so fed up with all of this," she confided, seeking comfort after the stressful confrontation.

Pressing a kiss to the crown of her head, I reassured her, "You've got this, my dear Boo Bear. If you need anything, I'm right here."

Concerned about Kiran's case, she responded, "You're already stressed; I don't want you to take on more. I can handle it, and I will." She nestled her face into the crook of my neck, and her hair lightly tickled me.

"I'm hungry, Adi," she said, sporting a puppy face.

"Come on, I'll whip up something. How about egg curry and jeera rice?" I suggested, guiding her to the kitchen with my arm around her shoulder.

"Yum, tempting," she replied, licking her lips and settling herself near the kitchen cabinet.

"Speaking of tempting," I teased with a erotic tone, making her blush.

"Adi, you're acting like a fuck boy," she remarked with a coy smile.

As I chopped onions, I playfully responded, "If you think I'm acting like a fuck boy, then I might as well show you how a fuck boy acts." Slowly, I moved toward her, positioning myself between her thighs and gently holding them. Her breath quickened, and a subtle warmth filled the air.

"Adi, let's not play games," she stammered.

"Oh, no games here. I can't take a label without proving it," I asserted with a mischievous tone, embracing the role.

She pushed away and hurriedly exited the kitchen, declaring, "No need for proof; you're just a flirt with a deceptive innocent look."

"Careful not to provoke me; you might have to deal with the consequences," I warned her, but she responded by teasingly sticking her tongue out.

"Tomorrow night, we're invited to a musical night at Trishul's sister club. Remember?" she reminded, displaying the invitation on her phone.

"Absolutely, I'll pick you up at 8. Be ready," I confirmed.

After some casual conversation, dinner was ready. She chose her outfit for the next day, and we enjoyed our meal. Later, with my laptop in tow, we settled down to work as we had pending tasks to complete.


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