Chapter 4

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The four of them stood in silence for a good couple of minutes. Dean paced back and forth while Sam leaned against Bobby's desk. However, James could tell Bobby was getting annoyed with Dean since he was keeping everything to himself.

"I don't know to say. Obviously, you're his younger brother, right?"

"Yeah. By two years."

Dean couldn't wrap his head around this, but he was trying to put everything together. Even when he looked over at Bobby, he could tell James was telling the truth. While he wanted to know the reason behind the problems, Dean knew Bobby wanted to get the case started, but wondered why James was being part of it.

As Bobby and James looked at one another, James filled them in. "Three years ago my wife was working in her bookstore on this day, and-She was killed inside. Bobby and I knew something wasn't right, but even then we didn't know what it was."

"You think it's the same thing from three years ago?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. There were no EMFs, no sulphur present. Nothing. But this wasn't done by any human, though. Who robs a bookstore with a large blade?"

Tears developed as one of them rolled down James' cheek. "Bad enough, I fear every day whenever Alex works in that store a couple of weeks after her mom's death. Then yet, she's supposed to be studying so she graduate this year, but-"

"I can help her with the research," Sam told him. "Might as well take the time to get to know our cousin."

Dean couldn't get over the word, cousin. However, he was going to need to get used to it from now on. Saying nothing, Sam headed toward the kitchen, while Dean sat on the couch. While he wanted to work with his uncle and Bobby, Dean wanted to know more about the reasons his dad never mentioned of having a little brother. However, they did promise to help Bobby out of this case. It was going to be a long night for everyone with the all tension.

                                                     ☆ ____☽✮☾____☆

Sitting at the kitchen table, Sam found Alex searching through the first journal. Even though he isn't like Dean, however, he admitted to himself for having mixed feelings. She should have a normal life, however, it always leads to losing a parent to work as a hunter. Unsure of how long he was standing there, Sam made his way toward the table. Alex noticed as she pushed some journals toward him, figuring he was going to help.

For a while, the both of them sat in silence. Although they were feeling uneasy about one another, Sam knew she needed to talk. But he was going to let her do that on her own. As each minute passed, Alex couldn't take it anymore. Tears were developing as she did her best to hold them back.

"Everything alright, Alex?" Sam asked.

"Each year is getting harder, that's all. Even though it's only been three years now."

"Dean and I know what it's like," he said. "Dean being the oldest, we lost our mom when I was still in the crib. Even our dad never gave up. For years, we searched for the demon who killed her however, we did. Dean's been in the hunting business more than I have, though."


"Yeah. I was having a normal life until someone close to me was taken. Since then, it's been the two of us and Bobby would help every once in a while."

Before Alex could say anything, their voices were raising a bit. Sam looked over at her and assured everything would be fine. "Dean's always like this, and has a lot of trust issues when it comes to family secrets," Sam added. 'Surprised that doesn't bother you?"

"It's understandable. The only thing I'm surprised with is dad juggling both from being an archaeologist and a hunter. Then yet, he's always been good at working things out."

"I'm taking it he was away when it happened?"

"He was supposed to leave for Cairo a few days before. However, he wanted to spend more quality time at home. Just glad that he stayed home. Guess you can say he had a feeling something wasn't right."

Even though everyone had raised their tone, Bobby was joining in. As Alex stared at Sam, he knew she was still concerned. She never even knew about the tension between the two brothers, which she couldn't blame her dad for not talking about it. After a while, everything settled down in the study. Guess everything was taken care of, since they were all talking nice to one another.

Not a minute later, Dean walked in. Sam wasn't even halfway through a journal, as Dean wanted to head over to the Medical Examiner's Office, so this case could get finished. With his tone, Alex thought they would leave and not hear from us again afterward. But all she could do was stare at Sam. Since Dean was searching through the fridge, Sam couldn't help but talk to her more.

"Looks like something else is bothering you?"

"Just hoping we can sleep at night, especially dad. He hasn't been sleeping well for the past three years."

"We'll figure out what's going on, Alex."

Sam could tell Dean was growing a little impatient, since it was getting late. As Sam got up, Alex made room on the table so she could get her stuff finished and hope she's going to be graduating this year. Not hearing the front door close earlier, James walked into the kitchen with her bag. Sam and Dean left the kitchen so they could get themselves ready. By the expression on James' face, he knew it was going to be a long night. All he hoped was getting it through Dean about how John was over the years, but he knew it was up to Dean himself.

As Alex grabbed her bag from her dad, she headed toward Bobby's study. In the meantime, she hoped some premonitions would help them out, since it's been quiet lately. Unfortunately, whenever that happens, the headaches turn into migraines. Something that never happened to her mother. Since Bobby was going through some of his books and Alex finishing up her studies, James had gone to the kitchen and continued to look through his journals.

With everything going on, James couldn't keep focus. He was too worried for Alex and brought up the memory of how worried Elizabeth was days before her death. Maybe she knew something bad was going to happen? He had to keep reminding himself that there would be times where events can't be changed. What hurt him the most was she never told him over her silent concerns. 

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